Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Greece in the next 24 hours will present the program of European lenders out of the crisis – Kommersant

Summit of Heads of State of the eurozone, on the situation in Greece, ended in Brussels. Leaders of the eurozone countries, including Greece, have agreed that Athens in the next 24 hours to present its plan of action to overcome the crisis, which is “as quickly as possible,” considered by the Eurogroup. This was announced by European source Tass on the sidelines of the summit in Brussels, ending the euro zone. “Leaders agreed that Athens provide its program within 24 hours. The summit instructed the Eurogroup as soon as possible to consider it with a view to keep Greece in the euro area “, – he said.

European leaders have made several statements after the meeting. Thus, the chairman of the European Council, Donald Tusk said that Greece was given until Thursday to provide a plan reforms. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the EU will conduct unscheduled summit on Greece on 12 July and that the lenders do not consider the possibility of providing short-term assistance programs for Greece. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that the EU has prepared a detailed scenario of a Greek exit from the Eurozone. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that the agreement must include “the criteria of social justice, on the other hand the obligation to cover the financial needs of the country in the medium term, investment package to combat the high unemployment problem as well as the resumption of the necessary restructuring of the debt.” According to French President Francois Hollande, the EU will consider the proposals during the week.

As reported by “Kommersant” on July 5 in Greece held a referendum on the issue that has been imposed ” Should the plan be adopted by agreement (the order of debt repayment, new lending and a set of austerity measures), presented by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund? “. More than 60% of citizens answered it in the negative. It does not contribute to solving the Greek debt problem. The ECB is not going to help the Greek banks – they will remain closed for at least a week. Continued bank holidays will soon face problems with payment of food and medicine, and in a somewhat more distant – emission drachma and exit from the euro zone.

Details of the results of the referendum read the material “b” “Failure is yes».


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