Monday, July 6, 2015

“Echo of Moscow” can return to St. Petersburg for a month – a REGNUM


St. Petersburg, July 6, 2015, 15:38 – REGNUM «Echo of Moscow» St. Petersburg is waiting for documents from the minority shareholders with the proposals to amend the Constitution and the resumption of broadcasting in terms of capital shareholders. Told IA REGNUM today, July 6, the chief editor of the radio station “Echo of Moscow» Alexei Venediktov .

Despite the statement in the media of the minority shareholder in St. Petersburg the parent company of “Echo of Petersburg» Sergei Nedovodina on the willingness to work “under the terms of Moscow”, the Board has not received official papers about it. “So far we have not received concrete proposals, only the requirements of representatives of the shareholders’ meeting, the announcement in the media, to change the statute. Statements are not enough, we need paper, “- said Venediktov. The procedure, he said, could take a month.

«Our key task – to return to St. Petersburg, with or without them, but as long as the proposals (from St. Petersburg) we have not received. Well, let’s have them do something will be, but not limited to statements “- said the chief editor of” Echo of Moscow ».

Recall Sergei Nedovodin – a minority shareholder in the company « Producer center “Music factory” , which is the founder of “Echo of Petersburg” – told the media today that turned to Alexei Venediktov with a proposal to restore the St. Petersburg radio station broadcast on “Echo of Moscow”. For this purpose, in particular, need to amend the Charter, agreeing to appoint a chief editor of the regional broadcast of the agreement with the Moscow leadership. So the chief editor can be Olga Bychkova . She told the IA REGNUM , which is ready to consider any reasonable ideas, but without being a member or party to the negotiations, pending shareholders.

It should be noted that until July 13, the radio station in St. Petersburg should provide proof of a broadcasting license. Previously, minority shareholders have tried in court to defend the agreement in 1997. However, Roskomnadzor proved that St. Petersburg “Echo” was broadcasting on the basis of an agreement in 1999 with the subsidiary “Echo of Moscow” – “Echo SV”, this contract was terminated in March.

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