Saturday, July 4, 2015

Dmitry Medvedev has proposed to reduce the duty on electronic state services – Express-News

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04.07 | 15:14

The Ministry of Communications submitted to the government a proposal for the use of public services in electronic form, as well as reduce the registration fee for this form of public services. The proposal aims at increasing the interest of Russian citizens to use them.

Today, at a meeting of the government commission on the development of information technologies will be considered the document Communications Ministry. From the words of Dmitry Medvedev, the offer is worthy of discussion at the government level, although stamp duty has already been mentioned previously reduced by 30%, according to Russian newspaper .

«We need to calculate whether we can use This fee reduction for the entire spectrum of electronic services, “- said Dmitry Medvedev at the meeting. It is known that most of the popular services (formulation of foreign passport, vehicle registration) finally have a paper form.

According to the Prime Minister, the number of people who use government services electronically, should soon reach 35%. At the same time Medvedev stressed that currently not all regions have achieved the required availability and quality in the provision of public services.

From the message the prime minister should be, that today only 22 regions have achieved the planned indicators and even exceeded them. Best of all, this problem is solved in the Ural Federal District, where the availability of e-government services to citizens is 47%. In the seventeen regions of the country the figure is less than half of the planned level. An example is the North Caucasian district, where the availability of only 17%.

In connection with this negative assessment of the availability of e-government services to citizens of certain regions, the Ministry of Communications, Dmitry Medvedev pointed to the need to correct the situation.


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