Thursday, July 2, 2015

Aeroflot is looking for protection from the State Duma hooligans – Dni.Ru

Questions the safety of aircraft and flights concerned as a guide Russian airlines and their passengers. In recent years, a marked increase in the number of incidents that occurred in the fault planes destructively minded citizens, and to protect them law-abiding travelers and crew of the aircraft needed a special law, which increases the responsibility of the perpetrators and authorizing their inclusion in the special “black lists” .
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press

The leading national carrier – airline “Aeroflot” – recently released statistics on the growth of offenses air transport objects for the first half of 2015. According to the company, only six months of its airliners had already three times to interrupt the flight and go to an emergency landing due to the fault carousing passengers on board . For comparison – for 2013 and 2014 there were a total of six similar cases.

In order to prevent such incidents “Aeroflot” now have to carry its own database of violators, which is already listed nearly 2.7 thousand persons , violated the rules of conduct on board the aircraft, and more than 5000 People, because of inadequate behavior suspended from flying even on the ground. It is likely there are similar base and other carriers.

Experts see several reasons for the occurrence of similar incidents. “ Not least to blame for the financial crisis in 2015. The growing number of” unruly “passengers is connected with these negative consequences, therefore, going on vacation, people begin to allow ourselves to” a little extra “in the plane” , – confident Executive director of consulting company Heads Nikita Kulikov. In general, he said, air transport market today sufficiently protected against terrorist threats, but not from their own passengers, reports Speakercom.

Another important point – the absence of the Russian legal system, a special law governing the liability aviadeboshirov. “There are a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Code of Administrative Offences, which provide the penalty for violation of the order on board aircraft, – said the chairman of the Bar “Starinskiy, pots and Partners” Eugene pots. – This article provides responsibility for disorderly conduct (punishable by up to seven years in prison), and the hijacking of aircraft (punishment of up to twenty years of imprisonment), as the liability for inflicting beatings or injuries to the crew or other passengers. In addition, in the absence of evidence of a crime to aviadeboshiru may apply administrative sanctions in the form of a fine or arrest up to 15 days. ”

However, the practice of enforcement of these documents is in the field of passenger aircraft is quite weak. Suffice it to recall a precedent Sergei Kabalova, Saratov businessman made a real brawl during the flight into Egypt. After beating a flight attendant, bondage threatened violence to other passengers and was going to open the cockpit to put the liner in the water. In all these actions the court appointed him a very soft sentence of 3.5 years of imprisonment by restriction of freedom for one year. Then, the Supreme Court reduced the sentence to one year and eight months of prison. Thus, everyone pokurazhitsya drunk under the clouds can obviously count on quite a humane attitude on the part of Russian judges.

So it is quite logical that, for example, the same “Aeroflot” said absolutely necessary to strengthen measures of liability for passengers, admitting the offense on board an aircraft, up to criminal penalties. Other options that offer the Aviation Security – is the massive introduction of “black lists of passengers” and the organization of service of air marshals. But while the necessary laws are not adopted, there is only carriers to recruit stewards of strong young men, capable of stopping the brawlers.

By the way, and lawyers and pilots agree that a special law to combat with air hooliganism vital . Its content has been discussed for more than seven years, and the first attempts to develop relevant proposals were made in the early 2000s. “Aeroflot” previously also put forward the initiative to tighten the rules for air travel, which would help to avoid most of these incidents, the first meeting of the working group to discuss the bill passed in 2014.

Unfortunately, Russian legislators are in no hurry to help aircrews and passengers involuntarily becoming hostages of violent “holidaymakers”. It is at least strange – after all, the deputies themselves a lot of flying around the country and abroad, and cases of operational decision important and useful history of the laws of the Russian parliament knows a lot. The impression is that people’s choices are just waiting for an event that will make the adoption of appropriate amendments to the legislation unavoidable.

It is also possible that lawmakers just still not faced aviahuliganami personally. But the fact that this issue is long overdue and continue to ignore her reckless and irresponsible. Therefore, and the passengers and the pilots are eagerly awaiting the adoption by the State Duma of the necessary and important document, the amendments to the Air Code, increasing penalties for offenses in flight .

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