Friday, June 5, 2015

Serial investors: banks killer or not? – Business Portal

5 июня 2015 г.

In the next turn of the discussion about some of the sanctions measures against the “serial depositors” at the time of set point. Responsibility for risky policy will be borne by the banks themselves paying higher contributions to the Deposit Insurance Agency, and bankers – by activating law enforcement. Funds Deposit Insurance Agency will be enough in all circumstances, assured the chairman of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina, speaking Thursday at the XXIV International Banking Congress in St. Petersburg. “Despite the fact that as a result of recent reviews of licenses the volume of the deposit insurance fund fell, funds from the Deposit Insurance Agency for the payment of depositors will be enough in all circumstances, including, if necessary, due to the credit of the Central Bank”, – said Nabiullina. As she explained, the credit of the Central Bank is going to cover the cash gap, but with the completion of active work with troubled banks, the regulator estimated, revenues will exceed the Fund expenses.

During the 2.5 years of the central bank revoked the licenses of 145 banks, 27 of them – in the current year. In the middle of May, the DIA estimates the volume of funds in the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) to 69.6 billion rubles. taking into account the reserves for pending payments. But on May 21 in the ACB said that the fund is not in need of credits of the Central Bank. However, by June 1, the agency’s board of directors approved the possibility of recourse to the central bank for a loan of up to 110 billion rubles. for up to 5 years. The question “Vesti.Ekonomika” that is not caused by this decision exhaustion of the fund, which has already warned some experts, the DIA has not responded. Meanwhile, according to the report of the Savings Bank chief analyst Michael Matovnikov the fund DIA with August 2013 decreased by 70% and can already be assessed as insufficient.

However, the deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Financial Markets, Head of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia Anatoly Aksakov is not inclined to dramatize the situation. As he said, with an increase in the volume of deposits will increase and the size of the insurance fund. In I quarter, as is known, the volume of deposits increased by 2.9%. And for the whole year, it is obvious they will rise by at least 10%, suggested Aksakov.

In early March, the central bank first deputy chairman Alexei Simanovsky said about a possible increase in deposits by 8%, the forecast calling the “bold” , taking into account the current realities. In 2014, we recall, on the background of the devaluation of the ruble and the flight of depositors of the banks in the volume of deposits of natural persons increased nominally by 9.4% to 18.6 trillion rubles., But adjusted for currency revaluation decreased by 2,5%.

In the current difficult conditions, continued the deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Financial Markets, the expected introduction of differentiated contributions FSV further complicate the situation of small and medium-sized banks, which, unlike their larger counterparts, for example, access to financial resources of the Central Bank difficult. As a result of this, in principle, it is a constructive measure could lead to a restriction of competition in the banking sector. Similar risks facing and actively discussed in recent years the idea of ​​a franchise (according to its authors, limiting the amount of insurance compensation will moderate readiness “serial depositors’ money to invest in the notoriously risky banks, then as now in the case of bankruptcy, they get all full of DIA). Although the current crisis situation, it is clear from the implementation of the mentioned ideas will refrain, as it has contributed to increased confidence in the banking system, concluded Anatoly Aksakov.

The controller does not support the idea of ​​a franchise confirmed in St. Petersburg, and Elvira Nabiullina also it referred to the fact that in this case, citizens will no longer trust banks. To discuss the issue with the Central Bank prefer to solve by increasing contributions to the DIA for those who entices customers excessively high rates.

By the way, the other day at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved the decision on the introduction of a differentiated system contributions to the FSV (Deposit Insurance Fund – approx. Ed.) from 1 July. Now all the banks pay a flat rate of 0.1% of the average quarterly volume of public funds. But the second half of 2015 in excess of the rates on deposits baseline for 2-3 p. P. Banking institution will pay more (+ 20%) the amount of deductions, but at higher excess – an increase of + 150%. On January 1, 2016 to determine the amount of contribution to FSV Add Criteria bank’s financial stability.

To some extent, agreed financial ombudsman Pavel Medvedev, the forthcoming innovation is able to induce banks to hold more conservative policy. But it is again affected small banks, including those which, in the absence of other sources of funding than deposits, forced to maintain higher interest rates, but at the same time save on salaries of its own employees and managers. And this situation is, of course, is not quite fair. Just as it is not just the idea of ​​a franchise, Medvedev said.

While the Financial Ombudsman stressed that it is only natural for investors seek to protect their money by distributing them several banks within the stipulated insurance benefit (1, 4 million rubles. minus the possible interest on the deposit – approx. Ed.). And instead of trying to solve the problem of having banks engaged in risky interest rate policy, due to a man who offend easily, it would be appropriate, for example, more active use of the police for this purpose, which is difficult to offend, formulated the Financial Ombudsman. According to his definition, the law enforcement agencies should more effectively prevent theft of assets of banks, which account for after the withdrawal of the license are often the money is almost gone. However, if last year from banks with an active license was about 11% owed money and the rest, therefore, stolen, this year said rate increased to 14%. While in Germany, for example, banks do not pay contributions to the Deposit Insurance Fund: after the withdrawal of the license of the Bank of Gdańsk (which is rare), deposit liabilities are covered by his own means, said Pavel Medvedev.

However, if Russia will move its current pace (increasing the share of the surviving assets from banks-violators of 3% per year), in order to achieve the desired result, you will need about three decades. In such a situation, experts stress, and the regulator should actively monitor the banks, in order to prevent withdrawal in the early stages.

The head of the central bank, by the way, is also considered necessary to ensure an effective system of early warning. According to her, the Central Bank in banking supervision is going to be proactive in order to avoid the possible revocation of licenses and remediation.

But, anyway, it seems, in the short term, the adoption of some of the sanctions measures the so-called “serial investors” is not threatened. Indeed, the desire to turn these people into a kind of “serial killers” who are responsible for the risks that are generated not by them, but by banks, leading a risky game looks strange.

Natalia Prikhodko


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