Saturday, June 6, 2015

Russian trace in the German bank – BBC

Deutsche Bank checks the information on money laundering Russian customers. We are talking about approximately $ 6 billion. The result of the scandal could be a fine or even a reduction of Russian business one of the largest European banks.

The largest German commercial bank Deutsche Bank (DB) began an internal audit after He has been charged with money laundering of Russian clients, according to Bloomberg, citing its own sources. The Bank analyzes the data from 2011 to early 2015.

Russian central bank in October 2014 recommended that the DB check some trading with the shares of Russian customers.

According to sources, Deutsche Bank made aware of the investigation of a number of European regulators, including the UK Office of the observance of the norms of behavior in the financial markets (Financial Conduct Authority, FCA), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Office for Financial Sector Supervision (BaFin) of Germany.

«We are committed to participate in the international fight against suspicious transactions, and we are taking decisive action in case of violations of evidence – said in a statement, Deutsche Bank. –

We are suspended from work a small amount Moscow office pending the outcome of internal audit ».

According to sources, this is a transaction in shares that Russian clients buy financial institution through it in rubles, and concurrent transactions through London, where Bank acquired the same paper for comparable amounts in US dollars. Deutsche Bank is trying to find out whether these operations are allowed to display the client tools from Russia without the knowledge of regulators. In addition, the bank’s management wants to know whether it was necessary to put power in popularity earlier.

While customers suspected of laundering some $ 6 billion. But it could be a much larger amounts.

According to one of the interlocutors Bloomberg, the investigation continues. In connection with the proceedings of work removed the head of department on work with Tim Vizvela shares, as well as employees of Russian Dinara Maksutov and George Bouznika.

The Bank of Russia, FCA, the ECB and the BaFin refused to comment on this information. At the time of delivery of the text to get a comment Deutsshe Bank failed.

According to the German publication Manager Magazin, an audit of the Moscow representative office oversees the headquarters of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, where experts have been sent to the department of internal investigations in London and New York.

As a result of the scandal Deutsche Bank shares on Friday fell by 1.1% in trading in Frankfurt.

From the beginning, the bank’s capitalization is still grew by about 10%, although this is not the first scandal surrounding the DB for the last time.

In April, the US and UK regulators fined Deutsche Bank a record for a US $ 2.5 billion for the manipulation interest rates. Over the past three years, DB has spent about € 7,1 billion for the payment of costs and fines.

As the “” the analyst of “Finam” Anton Soroko, can not say that this is some unusual scandal that would go beyond the usual framework. Banks periodically fall into such bindings. This, he said, could be the transfusion of investor money from one offshore into another.

«We must understand that employees who have access to the liquidity of banks and to transactions in international markets is very small and they are constantly forced to balance on a very fine line.

It is not always easy to determine the line where you run on the banks, and which has already started to work for themselves, “- says the analyst.

Banks are trying to tightly control these people and departments, conducted an internal audit to identify possible loopholes for diversion of money.

However, according to a source “Gazety.Ru” in one of the largest banks in the Russian financial market and laundered money derived abroad permanently, otherwise the Central Bank does not have worked up a sweat in the field of revocation of licenses. “You read the wording which provides the Bank of each review – outraged the source. – Each bank has a huge number of offshore companies, which are drawn yarn financial transactions. The scale of the outflow of Russian capital are growing, and there is hardly a single amnesty save the situation. ”

Source “Gazety.Ru” in one of the investment companies believe that the problem to tighten anti-money laundering legislation. “In Europe the past two or three years, nuts swirled constantly. At the German bank could also get stung, he went behind the boxes, “- he said.

With regard to the outcome of the case, market participants are confident that the scandal zamnut, Deutsche Bank will pay a fine. The costs incurred by the Russian branch, can reduce business here.

«Remember how BNP Paribas admitted that from 2004 to 2012 carried out transactions with individuals and companies in the Sudan, Iran and Cuba, paid they are about $ 9 billion “, – says the source.

However, according to that same source, leave the Russian Germans will not. Despite the growing risks, profitability of banking transactions are high.


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