Thursday, June 4, 2015

Poroshenko unhappy with the quality of their work and the quality of the government and the Verkhovna Rada – First Channel

This is the Ukrainian leader said, speaking in Parliament with annual address. And the best proof of his words – meetings that took place at the same time under the walls of the parliament and government buildings. Activists demanded financial Maidan restructure their loans and deal with problem banks that do not return money to depositors. But state employees are outraged low wages, which are also constantly delayed.

This is the Ukrainian leader said, speaking in Parliament with annual address. And the best proof of his words – meetings that took place at the same time under the walls of the parliament and government buildings. Activists demanded financial Maidan restructure their loans and deal with problem banks that do not return money to depositors. But state employees are outraged low wages, which are also constantly delayed.

However, on how to raise the economy lay in ruins – Poroshenko nothing concrete did not say. He was more caring for each question: vague prospects of visa-free regime with the EU, promotion of English language in the country and the privatization of studs. And speaking of the Donbass, has made it clear: lift the blockade Kiev is not going to.

Six months ago, Petro Poroshenko, first turned to the new parliament. Then it was called an extraordinary appeal “On the internal and external situation of Ukraine.” His statement today called President address to parliament. And it began not with the transfer success of their work, and with the memories of how bad the Ukraine lived under another president.

“still shudder when I remember what state the country after the kleptocratic regime Yanukovych 4 years deliberately pushed it to a national catastrophe, “- Poroshenko said.

Guided by the principle of” the best defense – attack “immediately after these words the president went on to explain why the year Ukrainians have become worse off. Blame, as expected, the neighbors. The annexation, aggression, anti-Ukrainian activity geography – these expressions with a variety of stands Poroshenko says a year. Do not explain, however, what does all this have to do with corruption, theft and impoverishment of the Ukrainians.

“Ukraine is in a serious economic crisis in preddefoltnom state, so to somehow distract the population – send down an enemy in the Donbas the image of some nedoukraintsev, which must be destroyed and the territory, which must be returned. Therefore, the rhetoric became more aggressive Poroshenko, “- says political analyst Alexei Pilko (Ukraine).

A few phrases Poroshenko outlined: that today the people dissatisfied with his work, he knows. He knows and that corruption could not be beat. But the details did not go. But figurative and examples spoke about the support of the European colleagues. The decision to join NATO – a matter of time, and that still does not have a visa-free regime, blame-track Ukrainian officials.

“Just what I said on my behalf that the head of the State Migration Service dismissed because not properly perform the tasks on the path of liberalization of the visa regime with the European Union, “- Poroshenko said.

This is despite the fact that even the possibility of visa-free regime for Ukraine Europeans have always said in theory. A recent rhetoric has changed at all: to open the doors to the public nearly the impoverished country, they do not intend to.

“A very large number of promises, for which in fact he could not vouch. In particular, this applies to the visa-free regime once again, the problems in Ukraine. In particular, he has promised that by year’s end Ukrainian citizens will already feel the effects of the reforms that they carry out. But as we know, a year ago it was quite the same, “- said the director of the Ukrainian branch of the Institute of CIS Denis Denisov.

What kind of Europe can we talk about if the United Nations has sounded the alarm and seeking the termination of the blockade of Kiev Donbass.

“Now the Ukrainian humanitarian convoys and pensions, which are given to those who have registered on the free territory of terrorists – the maximum permissible” – Poroshenko said.

One of the priority projects of the president called privatization . Lists of 300 objects, drawn up long ago. Among them – and strategic state enterprises. Ukraine to sell by auction the authorities plan to foreign investors. The case for small: to lift some bans privatization and wait for buyers.

“I’m definitely for careful control of parliament for the privatization. The more transparent it will be, the better. And I am for that is you, dear deputies, have established rules for its implementation, and the list of objects to implementation will set you on the proposal of the government. We still have more than 1,800 companies. It is vitally necessary for the state of not more than 200. Of course, we will not sell defense enterprises, but who can explain to me, why the state as much as 14 studs, which are also prohibited privatization? ” – Poroshenko said.

In the courtroom listening to the President of Ministers to six months ago high hopes. Finance Minister Natalia American Yaresko, Health Minister Alexander Kvitashvili. Foreigners who have not done anything yet for a brighter European future, promised in the Maidan. But, judging by the words of the president, to head for Western values ​​Ukraine prevents the language barrier.

“I intend to support the program” Go Global “, which defines learning English a priority of the development strategy. Ukraine today is in the Hall of Fame among the countries with a low level of English, which is a natural barrier to Ukraine’s reorientation toward Western values ​​and standards. Knowledge of English would be the criterion for admission to the civil service. 2016 will be declared the year of the English language, “- Poroshenko said.

Year 2015 Meanwhile, in view of changes in Ukraine can be called a year of return in the 90′s. The country has a queue for social bread, unemployment, unaffordable rates. The president did not say. But promised in the near future will be to actively invest money in weapons. Apparently, to continue to be easy to justify the country’s problems – war.

Olga Knyazev

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