Sunday, June 7, 2015

Money-six billion in its Russian office is investigating Deutsche Bank –

In late 2014, the Bank of Russia has submitted to the German branch of Deutsche Bank complaint to the Russian subsidiaries. They are suspected in a significant money laundering. Illegal means in foreign currency has been translated about six billion rubles. Perhaps the amount of “laundered” financial assets even more.

At this point, being careful checking of registered employees of Deutsche Bank Russia. We started it a month ago and it lasts now, as in Russia has about 1,000 employees of the bank and undertook to check every one of them.

As of today, there is every reason to suspect the Russian representation that it “otmylo “no less than six billion rubles by not credible operation. The money is already displayed abroad and return them to have the efforts.

All the billions – 100% ownership of client representation of the organization in the Russian Federation. Chief Financial Controller Germany -Bafin – informed of the suspicions and may take part in the search of money and punish employees. Most likely, the perpetrators can no longer work in the banking industry.

June 7, some employees of the Moscow branch was actually barred from working and will soon be officially dismissed for committing financial fraud. So Deutsche Bank wants to restore his reputation in the world, Russia spoiled.

Tags: law billion, checking, Russia, the staff involved


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