Saturday, June 6, 2015

Kudrin prorochit dramatic fall of the Russian economy – SoftSraze: actual and objectively

The head of the Committee of Civil Initiatives, ex-Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said that Russia’s economy is in a full-fledged crisis, RIA Novosti reported. Also, he said, the Russian economy is “doomed” to slow growth, but still have the ability to change everything. He is convinced that it is necessary to give more powers to the governors, to reduce military spending and implement pension reform.

« Many people ask – we passed the peak of the crisis? Of course, we are now in a full-fledged crisis in all respects. For investments in fixed assets almost like we fall in 2009 », – quotes the ex-finance minister, head of the Committee of Civil Initiatives Alexei Kudrin, said it in a speech to the Federation Council, RBC.

Among the reasons for the economic downturn politician called the wrong economic model, which is focused on demand without the need for major technological change, the fall in world oil prices and the Western sanctions against Russia.

In 2015, according to the forecast Kudrin, the economy’s decline will be more dramatic than predicted Economic Development, the GDP will decrease by about 4% (-2.8%, according to the forecast of Economic Development), the outflow of capital will be $ 100-110 billion, the oil price will be around $ 60 per barrel.

« The pace of economic growth, according to the Ministry of Economic Development will be minus 2.8%, that is, we’ll fall and is now in recession. But I think the fall will be more deeply – about 4% », – Kudrin said.

According to his estimates, the conflict in Ukraine and sanctions« growth to pick up from 1.5% of GDP ». The politician also said that the weakening of the ruble in the second half of 2015 will be soft, without sharp jumps of the course. « In the first half we are witnessing planned, the expected strengthening of the ruble. In the second half will be a mild easing. Soft – for a few cents, tens of cents, two or three rubles for half a year », – he said.

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