Sunday, June 7, 2015

Expert: no need to wait for mass export of products from Latvia to China – a REGNUM


Riga, June 7, 2015, 10:38 – REGNUM The head of the Chinese department of the Latvian Investment and Development Agency ( LIDA ) Ieva Yakobson, Bellomo said portal Delfi, that this year, local companies should not hope for substantial exports of dairy and fish products to the far east country.

As reported IA REGNUM , after Russia imposed an embargo on the days for the products of fish processing in Latvia, local entrepreneurs had hoped to redirect production to China. However, Ieva Yakobson, Bellomo so far refrained to predict the volume of Latvian exports to China. “I do not want to talk about the forecast of specific figures, but do not hope that this year dairy and fish products will be supplied to China in large quantities. Exports certainly grow, but this year we laid the foundation rather that it evolved much faster in the next two or three years “, – said the representative of the LIDA .

The Latvian economist and businessman Sergei Vasiliev for comment on his blog as follows: “As a person working with China for more than ten years, I’ll tell you a secret from the person himself, and the next year, too, hope it is not necessary … And to two times do not get up – it is not necessary and in ten years, and for a very prosaic reason to exclude the “hand Putin “, bought up all the unscrupulous Chinese officials. In order not to bore you with theorizing, tell the Latvian-Chinese parable of ten years ago. Then, just in Latvia only gaining popularity biofuels. Production of rapeseed oil, taking into account the state subsidies and EU funds have been quite competitive in the international market. And with one of the operating time of bioethanol and biodiesel producers had the opportunity to participate in multi-round negotiations with Chinese consumers “, – says Vasilev . “After numerous presentations, examinations, meetings, rassharkivany, politeness and other Chinese comrades completely in Russian evroproizvoditelya slapped on the shoulder and said,” Oh, there was-not-be, so be it, a tanker ship on trial … “Evroproizvoditel already choked … “The tanker …” “Well, let’s try first 25,000 tons, and if everything is OK with quality, then the promise – once a month to pick up 80 000. Well, in general, the talks have ended with this. The fact that all Latvia then rested to produce a chorus of 12 000 tonnes per year, so that even a decent one tanker load could not from the word “really.” Well, going to today, how many, how many fish products produced marimany our land? 133,000 tonnes per year, ie 1 (one) month refrigerated? You know how much he makes China being a world leader in the export of fish products? More than 60 million tons! And then suddenly we all in white with their sprats … “- concludes the businessman.

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