Friday, June 5, 2015

Deputies of the Parliament speech Poroshenko: the president pulled away from life – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, June 5 – RIA Novosti . Verkhovna Rada deputy noted a discrepancy between the content of the President’s address to Parliament Poroshenko and reality, reports Deutsche Welle.

A similar opinion was expressed not only the opposition, but also allies Poroshenko, said the media.

In Ukraine “does not have enough faith in what he says the president”, said in interview with Deutsche Welle deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on preventing and combating corruption, a member of the parliamentary faction “Block Poroshenko” Viktor Chumak. He pointed out that in his speech the head of state did not assess the fight against corruption.

“Isolation” from the life of the president stressed the member of the “People’s Front” Oleg Lungwort. “Beautiful words have to be filled with real content”, – he said.

Petro Poroshenko during a visit to the Iron and Steel Works in Mariupol

© AP Photo / Sergei Grits

The representatives of “opposition bloc “Poroshenko considered speech in the parliament” PR very high level, “writes Deutsche Welle.

According to the parliamentarians and experts, in particular the President’s statement contradicted the reality of “deoligarhizatsii” in Ukraine, said the publication.

“The president promises to fight against the oligarchs, but he is an oligarch and owns banks, factories, mills . If he does not get rid of their assets, it casts doubt on all his promises “- quoted media expert of the Center of Political Studies and analysts Gleb Kanev.

On Thursday, President Poroshenko delivered his annual address to parliament country.


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