Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Ministry of Finance is going to shift premiums for citizens – APR PRESS

The Ministry of Finance is going to shift premiums for citizens – APR PRESS

The country has come a decrease in consumer growth

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov proposes to reduce the burden on business and to shift responsibility for the required premiums for the workers themselves, reports Trend. APR PRESS referring to RBC.

Businessmen like this idea, it will reduce the tax burden on companies, Bole, they are asked to translate this into practice as soon as possible.

However, the benefits of this innovation quite controversial.

According to economists, even the shifting of the mandatory insurance premiums for citizens to reduce their salaries, resulting in decrease consumption growth.

The mechanism has not been fully thought out, as it will carry – also unknown. Since taking the mandatory insurance premiums from companies much more convenient than from each specific individual, it is unclear how the tax will work and if the insurance agencies offer the Ministry of Finance will enter into force.

Note Siluanov proposed to introduce a new practice only after 2018 and begin to enter her need to slowly and gradually. Then Russian citizens become accustomed to such a tax burden.

The idea is not new and has long been discussed in the legal circles. But concrete proposals prescribed on paper was not.

In this case, if the offer still implement, reducing the social burden on business will reduce labor costs and could theoretically contribute to the competitiveness. But the salary in such conditions, workers will not increase, respectively, for insurance Russian citizens will be paying the money that used to go to other purposes: food, clothing, transportation, and so on.

The Ministry of Finance and at least trying to reduce such a measure of the burden on businesses, reducing consumption, thanks to which the Russian economy is growing, it may be more significant than the benefits of innovation.

In this way, the proposal is controversial, experts say.

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