Thursday, October 2, 2014

The head of the Ministry of Communications called for higher tariffs for connection G4 – RBC

The head of the Ministry of Communications called for higher tariffs for connection G4 – RBC

Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Nikolay Nikiforov

Photo: REUTERS 2014

Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Nikolay Nikiforov said existing tariffs on 4G connection in Russia are too low and are favored for their promotion. This position was expressed by the head of the Ministry of Communications on Thursday at a meeting of the committee on telecommunications and information technologies of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

«One of the things about which I spoke openly to all operators of the” Big Three “and others is that the launch of another new fourth-generation network should be accompanied, oddly enough, an increase in tariffs “- quoted by Interfax Nikiforov.

According to him, operators should use the launch of fourth-generation networks to raise prices. “I guess I’m like the minister should not say this, but I believe that it should cost more. Faster communication, these are premium segments of subscribers, “- said the head of the Ministry of Communications.

Nikiforov complained that the tariffs after the launch of 4G-networks have not changed. According to him, given the competition operators “went through the floor».

In July 2012 n on the results of a competition organized by Roscomnadzor , LTE-license got the four largest Russian operator – “Rostelecom”, MTS, “Megaphone” and “VimpelCom”. According to the contest operators had to start providing LTE communications services since July of 2013. In full mode network must earn since 2019. To date, LTE is present in more than 70 regions of Russia.

In early September, the head of the Ministry of Communications emerged claims to Apple. According to Nikiforov, the company refused to include in their devices support “several small LTE networks in Russia.” Telecom operators, according to the minister, have to “line up to them in turn, held a strange test.” The names of these companies Nikiforov said. “If the companies will not notice this, we have to apply strict regulation, we begin more stringent checks whether all imported phones support all the networks are working to thwart”, – quotes the words of the head of the Ministry of Communications TASS.


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