Thursday, October 2, 2014

Putin has refused to impose restrictions on currency and capital flows – RBC

Putin has refused to impose restrictions on currency and capital flows – RBC

President Vladimir Putin speaks at the VI Investment Forum” Russia Calling! ”

Photo: TASS

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a speech at an investment forum “Russia Calling”, said the Russian authorities not plan to introduce any foreign exchange restrictions or restrictions on the movement of capital.

«We have no plans to introduce any restrictions or exchange on the movement of capital”, – said Putin. In his view the central bank will be able to cope with the stability of the national currency without additional measures. “At the Bank of Russia enough instruments to ensure financial stability. I should add that the transition of the Bank of Russia to a floating exchange rate does not mean a complete rejection of foreign exchange intervention, “- said the president of Russia.

He also said the immutability of Russia’s economic policy based on market principles,” This strategic direction remains unchanged . At the heart of our activities will be as before prudent macroeconomic policies “, – Putin said.

The main challenges facing the economy, he said – is the growth of the economy, industry and upgrade infrastructure, improve the quality of life of citizens of the Russian Federation.

The President stressed that he hoped that the State Duma in the fall and spring session will take the remainder of the package of laws to improve the business climate.

«We sincerely wish to build a strong open to the world and prosperous country “, – said Putin.

According to him, the state is going to support the sectors and companies that come under the sanctions, including to participate in the increase of banks’ capital.


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