Thursday, October 2, 2014

Grouping “Abu Sayyaf” threatened to kill two hostages if Germany will continue to participate in the fight against the IG – Rosbalt.RU

Grouping "Abu Sayyaf" threatened to kill two hostages if Germany will continue to participate in the fight against the IG – Rosbalt.RU

Rosbalt, 02/10/2014 21:20

MANILA, Oct. 2. Filipino Islamists who had taken two citizens of Germany, said that at least one of the hostages will be killed on 17 October at 15:00 in the event that Germany had no time to stop participating in the operation against the jihadist organization “Islamic state” in Iraq and Syria. It is reported by DW with reference to the Philippine media.

 Earlier, the terrorists demanded to fulfill their conditions by October 10. They also requested a ransom for hostages in the amount of $ 5.6 million.

A few days ago the German hostages – a man and a woman – asked the Government of Germany on the radio with an appeal to save their lives. They expressed the hope that the authorities will do everything possible to secure their release. German citizens were kidnapped along with a group of other foreigners in April, when the walks on the yacht.

 Foreign Minister of Germany said that the threat – not the method by which it is possible to alter the policy of Germany in Syria or Iraq.

Earlier it was reported that in the hands of the insurgents “Abu Sayyaf” is also a citizen of Switzerland, which was abducted in April 2012.

Grouping “Abu Sayyaf”, founded in the early 1990s, involved in the organization in the Philippines several bloody attacks, including a ferry explosion in Manila in February 2004, killing 116 people. April 23, 2000 group took hostage 21 people, including ten Western tourists. They were held on the Malaysian island of Sipadan and were finally released after paying a ransom of several million dollars.

According to Philippine security forces, the armed group has in its composition is not more than 300 people, but survives thanks to the support of Muslim communities in southern Philippines and receive money from kidnappings hostages and other criminal activities.


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Analytics, interviews

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 & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x441; & # x43E; & # x441 ; & # x442; & # x440; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x438; & # x446; & # x44B; & # x41E; & # x43B; & # x435; & # x433; & # x430; & # x41A; & # x430; & # x448; & # x438; & # x43D; & # x430; & # x432; & # x424; & # x44D; & # x439; & # x441; & # x431; & # x443 ; & # x43A; & # x435; October 1, 2014 “Violent words lead to violence” The conflict in Ukraine split Russian society because its already overflowing rage and hatred, said the journalist Oleg Kashin. In his opinion, the most annoying thing that can happen to Russia in the future – it is an imitation of regime change. October 1, 2014 “Obama said in a skirt” for Brazil The largest Latin American country froze in anticipation of the presidential election. Current “left” the head of state Dilma Rousseff opposes defender Marina Silva of the Amazon forest, which is up to 16 years could not read.
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