Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Business supported the proposal of the Ministry of Finance on insurance premiums – RBC

Business supported the proposal of the Ministry of Finance on insurance premiums – RBC

Suggesting Wednesday redistribute the load between businesses and their employees, Anton Siluanov rested on international experience and the feasibility of reducing the tax burden on business. But the implementation of this proposal immediately postponed for the period after 2018, recalling that until that time the government decided not to change the basic approaches to the tax burden.

«Timeframe called about” – explained RBC Assistant Minister Svetlana Nikitina: while the Ministry of Finance said that in this direction we should go, and offers such an idea to the discussion. Today, payments that the employer performs several abstract for citizens, said Nikitin. “It would be correct if it is personalized,” – she said. But specific proposals, as well as what to do, need to be discussed in detail: the government, on expert sites “social unit must speak».

A spokesman for the Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets responsible for social affairs, declined to comment: The proposal has not yet been formalized.

In an interview with reporters Siluanov offered to carry the load gradually, starting with “2-3-4%,” reducing, for example, up to 26% (from the current 30% ) for employers, and 4% by shifting to citizens.

Transferring load – this is correct, the vice-president of “Business Rosssii” Nicholas Ostarkov. “The more contributions will be assigned to a physical person, so we will be closer to the nature of the insurance premium. After all, it has to be paid a certain insurance product – a policy similar to insurance, “- he says. On the other hand, must be removed from enterprises non-core functions “of the insurance agency services,” said a representative of the business. It calls not to wait until 2018: it is very late. “You can move step by step, through a personalized account, through the use of bank accounts, or pilot test the options, but you should start with 2016, and in 2015 – work out” – he suggests.

The idea of ​​the Minister of Finance is understandable, given the difficult economic situation and the need to relieve the entrepreneurs, says the head of the Russian Union of Insurers Igor Jurgens. However, “simply to shift payments to the population – will not work,” – he said. “It means that something they were missing,” because administer contributions of citizens harder than business, indicates Jurgens. In the Federal Tax Service on this matter officially declined to comment.

This idea has long been discussed in various meetings, but there is not a specific document, RBC reported a source close to the government. According to him, the main argument “for” – is the formation of a more responsible attitude of the people, but only talk about insurance premiums strange then taxes people have to pay for themselves. The second problem is that the distribution of the load will inevitably increase its citizens: the salary for the amount of the contribution will be no one to compensate.

«It’s not a beating with the constitutional principle of Russia as a social state”, – said Jurgens. For the transfer of the load on the citizens need a “grand reform” medical and other types of insurance. Furthermore, this means turning the economic vector for the production of stimulating consumption, continued economist. “It’s great questions: classical democracy, as in France, such a question could carry government” – he believes.

unfair offer and named the first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Budget Oksana Dmitrieva, due to a possible reduction in salaries. “Oil prices are not rising, golden rain drips, in this situation, the state infringes not the oligarchs, and tries to save on citizens”, – she said.

«This is a normal international practice, when a portion of insurance premiums to pay the employee In some countries there are no charges are paid by the employer “- objects EEG economist Alexander Suslin. But in developed countries, “a slightly different level of public services,” she adds, and taxpayers are aware of their rights. “We have a strange attitude towards taxes: people do not even know he pays for something or not,” – she says.

Reducing social burden on businesses will reduce labor costs and could theoretically contribute to the competitiveness – under conditions of good institutions. But higher wages when redistributing the load should not wait, says Suslin, “real wages fall people reduce consumer demand”, namely through the last we have now is economic growth.

«In a normal situation in the country is may well contribute to an increase in wages. And in times of crisis – just easier to become entrepreneurs, “- said Ostarkov of” Business Russia “. The Ministry of Finance will probably expects that reducing the burden on business will stimulate growth more than it reduces the decrease in consumption, but it’s debatable concludes Suslin.


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