Tuesday, January 10, 2017

“Witch hunt”. The Kremlin has responded with a “hacker” report of the US intelligence – RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, 9 Jan — RIA Novosti. the Kremlin categorically ruled out the involvement of Russian officials and government departments to hacker attacks, which Moscow accuses Washington.

Earlier, us intelligence agencies published a report about the alleged “Russian interference” in the elections of the President of the United States. The paper argues that Russia tried to achieve the election of Donald trump, however, no evidence that is not given.

witch Hunt

Prepared by the CIA, the NSA and the FBI report contains unsubstantiated accusations at the Amateur level, said press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

He noted that in American history has happened more than once these stages have “witch hunt”.

“We know that later they are replaced by a more sober experts, more sober approach, still focused on dialogue and not on the emotional these seizures,” added the spokesman.

however, Peskov stressed that Moscow is “seriously tired” of these charges.

According to the press Secretary of the head of state, published part of the report has caused nothing but frustration.

“to Put this amount of emotion on such meager material is, of course, is puzzling”, he concluded.

About the position of trump too early to judge

Peskov also said that the position of the trump on the report of the intelligence to judge while early.

“It doesn’t know it, because we have the reaction of Mr. trump do not know. The President-elect while he has not made any definite comments in this regard”, — he reminded.

Previously, the trump called the accusations against Russia is far-fetched, noting that his political opponents-Democrats are trying to use them to question the election results and take responsibility for the loss.

At the same time Chairman of the National Committee of the Republican party rins, Primos nominated by trump to head the White house said that US President-elect agreed with the conclusions of the report of the intelligence about the actions of the “Russian hackers” and can “take action” against Russia.

trump calling for measures against Russia

Despite the fact that trump’s reaction to the report is still not forthcoming, many American politicians have urged him to continue the pressure on Russia.

As stated by the head of the defense Department, Ashton Carter, the United States should continue retaliatory action against Russia for “its attacks”.

He called attributed to Russia’s cyber attack “an aggressive move against American democracy” and stressed that Washington’s response should not “restrict itself only to cybermelli”.

Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, in turn, said that waiting for trump’s measures against Russia.

According to Graham, those party members who question the Russian involvement in cyber attacks in the United States, “not the Republicans and not the patriots.”


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