Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Trump didn’t know about the Annex to the report of the CIA with data on “the compromising evidence from Russia” – RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. Advisor to the elected President of the USA of Donald trump Kelleen Conway said that trump was not aware of a two-page Annex to the report of US intelligence, which given the assumption that some “Russian agents” allegedly have incriminating information about the billionaire, writes the Hill.

Earlier, CNN reported, citing unnamed American officials that US intelligence agencies reported to the outgoing President Barack Obama and President-elect to Donald Trump about his suspicions regarding the fact that some “Russian agents” allegedly have compromising information about a billionaire, but precise confirmation of these assumptions from the American intelligence community is not.

“He said he was not aware of that”, — the newspaper quoted Conway. She also noted that all sources in media reports of an unnamed, and partly records based on Russian sources. Conway added that “nothing has been proved”.

As the channel, these assumptions were contained in a brief of two pages, which was attached to the report of US intelligence. According to officials, the so-called “agents” from Russia have personal and financial information about trump. According to the broadcast, a subset of those messages based on the records of former officer of British intelligence, which the officials of US intelligence considered credible. While CNN stated that the FBI still checks the accuracy of these assumptions that are mainly based on some unnamed “Russian sources”. According to the channel, many important details about the very trump of these notes, the FBI has not confirmed.

Later it became known that the full version of the data records published by the information portal BuzzFeed.

the CIA, the FBI and homeland security issued on Friday a report in which it once again accused Russia of “interfering in American elections,” but refused to give any evidence, citing the confidentiality of intelligence. While the report showed that U.S. intelligence agencies draw conclusions about the “secret operations of Russia’s influence on elections” by such sources as the reports on Russian television and writing in social networks. Almost half the report was devoted to RT and Sputnik, and data for RT were mostly five years ago.


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