Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Reserve Fund in 2016 decreased by 3.7 times – News Economy

Print Reserve Fund decreased 3.7 times at the end of last year – 3,641 trillion to 972,13 billion roubles, the national welfare Fund (NWF) decreased by 16,6%, from 5,227 trillion to 4.36 trillion rubles, announced the Ministry of Finance.as of January 1, 2017, the Reserve Fund amounted to 972,13 billion rubles, equivalent to $ 16,03 billion.

Balances in separate accounts to record funds of the Reserve Fund amounted to: – $ 7,62 billion; – of 6.71 billion euros; and 1.10 billion pounds.

as of January 1, 2017, the NWF amounted to 4,359 trillion rubles, equivalent to $ 71,87 billion. United States, including:

1) to separate accounts to record funds of the NWF in the Bank of Russia placed:

- $ 19.51 billion;

- 20,76 billion Euro;

- 3.83 billion pounds.

2) on Deposit with Vnesheconombank – 198,23 billion rubles and $ 6.25 billion;

3) in debt obligations of foreign States under a separate decision of the government of the Russian Federation without presentation of requirements to the long-term credit rating of $ 3.00 billion;

4) in securities of Russian issuers related to the implementation of infrastructure projects, the list of which is approved by the government of the Russian Federation – 112,63 billion and $ 4.11 billion;

5) in preferred shares of credit institutions – 278,99 billion;

6) on deposits in VTB Bank (PJSC) and the Bank GPB (JSC) for the purpose of financing sustainable infrastructure projects, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation – 164,43 billion.


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