Saturday, January 7, 2017

Express parcel stalled at customs.Ru

the Stricter requirements of the FCS to the clearance of international parcels from 1 January blocked the work of logistics operators Express delivery.

the Russians did Not manage to rejoice in the decision of “Mail of Russia” not to send all unregistered foreign parcels 1 January in the city of peace, as they waited for the next surprise. Those who decided to secure and trusted delivery of commercial operators, for example SPSR, Pony Express and Boxberry, can’t get my order for over a week and pour it into the social network streams of complaints. Foreign Internet shops refuse to services services Express delivery, leaving as the only alternative to “Mail of Russia”.

it seems to change the requirements of the FCS of steel for logistic companies the same sudden, as well as for their customers. For example, the delivery service Boxberry, specializing in the delivery of orders from foreign online stores, on 5 January requested from its customers “as quickly as possible” to provide them with a scanned copy of passport – main page and page with residence permit. As explained by the operator on its website, this became necessary as from 1 January 2017 “for customs clearance of parcels to individuals from abroad”.

On page Boxberry “Vkontakte” users complain that private office where I was asked to upload a scan of the passport, stopped working due to the sharply increased load, erratic running and a call center. Recipients who still managed to learn the status of their orders, found that those stuck at customs before the New year. “Mail of Russia” it is faster” – they complain.

similar problems are faced by other logistics operators. So, according to customer service the Pony Express, a call center company in the last days of frantically phoning their customers and asked them to send a photocopy of your passport by e-mail. In social networks, you can also find numerous complaints about failure to deliver on time.

Company SPSR, partner of Chinese online AliExpress site, on the page notified customers that the New year “for procedures for customs clearance of parcels individually requested copies of passports of the recipients on paper,” and offered to find out further information by phone.

On the page “Vkontakte” operator DPD no complaints, but there is a message from 3 January to send claims using the feedback form and a warning that “comments oftop and the content of obscene language will be removed.”

On-site custom notifications of changes to the regulation of the registration of the international Express parcels no. “Fontanka” asked for comments from the FCS, however, at the time of publication of the clarification is not received. However, judging by the messages of logistics, we are not talking about the new rules as such, but about stricter interpretations of existing regulations.

For example, SPSR in the FAQ on its website says that the passage of the order through customs, you must specify the recipient information, including information on proof of identity document. These requirements are contained in the FCS order “On the Commission of customs operations in respect of goods for personal use transported by the carriers.” However, if informed customers have requested the data itself, it is now required and copy of passport.

to Receive comments from service delivery on what the volume of parcels have accumulated at the customs and do customers get compensation for the stretching, waiting, failed. Tech support Boxberry clients reported that they expect to process the received scan passports before 10 January and promised that hung on the customs of the parcel will not go back to the sender even during the week.

However, the new requirements of the TCF cause buyers online shops a lot of questions. For example, is it safe to give a scanned passport copy of the company which is not a data controller. In the unified register of such operators on the website of Roskomnadzor of the above services to “Fontanka” found only SPSR. In Boxberry confirmed that the company has the right to work with personal data, but promised customers to destroy the information after use. Nevertheless, many users in social networks declare their intention to abandon the service Express operators for fear of leaks.

the Tightening of requirements of the customs authorities also led to the fact that a number of foreign online stores even refused Express delivery to Russia. For example, yesterday, January 6, the Chinese site AliExpress is reported, which disables this option “to the restoration of the system of commercial shipments of the FCS of Russia”.

British Asos also suspended the delivery of goods to Russia. In a statement on the company website, this “difficult decision” due to “system update”. However, the company promises to enable the option, when will be settled “all technical matters”. However, the company stresses that normal service delivery, i.e., using “Mail of Russia” is still available.

meanwhile, the innovations of FCS to the activities of the latter are not reflected: “Mail of Russia”, as the postal service does not request information on the passport data. In a press-service of “Mail of Russia” have confirmed that her work, as well as EMS units, responsible for the Express shipping, is carried out in “normal mode”.

According to preliminary estimates by the National Association of distance trade, in 2016 dedicated to the delivery company (apart from “Mail of Russia”) carried more than 20 million Internet parcels from abroad, which is 7 – 10% of the total market of cross-border trade. Moreover, despite the high cost of services (for example, store Asos the cost of Express delivery is 1500 rubles vs. 200 rubles ordinary) share, compared with year 2015 has doubled.

Stricter requirements without notice can be a kind of stress test for services delivery, said the head of nads, Alexander Ivanov. “But it is the essence of such an experiment, hard to say,” he adds. According to the expert, the requirement to provide a photocopy of your passport, even if not on paper, but in electronic graphic form, lacks practical sense and the only result can be the slowing of processing parcels and increase the cost of their services. This is likely to lead to loss of market share of the Express statements in favor of “Mail of Russia”.

Galina Boyarkova



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