Friday, December 9, 2016

The state Duma adopted the Federal budget for 2017-2019 – REGNUM

Moscow, December 9, 2016, 11:55 — REGNUM the state Duma adopted the law on the Federal budget for 2017 and 2018-2019 planning period years in the third and final reading, the correspondent of REGNUM 9 Dec. The document was approved with the participation of 47 non-parliamentary parties. 315 deputies voted in favor, against — 99 MPs.

GDP is a little older by 2019

According to the document, the budget deficit in 2017 is provided at the level of 3.2% of GDP in 2018 and 2.2% of GDP in 2019 and 1.2% of GDP.

budget Revenues in 2017 are projected at 13,488 trillion rubles, expenses — 16,241 trillion rubles.

the Projected budget revenues for the year 2018 is estimated at 14,029 trillion rubles, expenses — i.e. 16.04 trillion and in 2019 — and 14,845 15,987 trillion rubles, respectively.

the budget Parameters determined on the basis of GDP 86,806 trillion rubles in 2017, 92,296 trillion in 2018, 98,86 trillion in 2019, and annual inflation not exceeding 4%, and average oil prices at $ 40 per barrel. According to laid down in the law on the budget forecasts, the ruble exchange rate will fluctuate in the range of 67.5−71.1 rubles to the dollar.

the Level of debt by 2020 will not decrease

the Upper limit of the external public debt will amount on 1 January 2018 to 53.6 billion U.S. dollars, on January 1, 2019 — 52.8 billion dollars, on January 1, 2020 53,6 billion. The amount of the Reserve Fund, according to the forecast at the beginning of the year will be in 2018 — 1 110 trillion rubles, then the reserve Fund will be exhausted. The volume of the national welfare Fund (NWF) according to the forecast at the beginning of the year will be in 2017 — 4, 702 trillion rubles, in 2018 — 4, 190 trillion and in 2019 — 3, 102 trillion. NWF will be one of the main sources of financing the budget deficit in 2017-2019.

budget Expenditures by section in 2017 will be: national issues — 1,141 trillion rubles, the national defense 1,021 trillion roubles (open budget) national security and law enforcement — 1,271 trillion rubles, the national economy — 2,069 trillion rubles, housing and communal services — 78.9 billion rubles, social policy — 5,092 trillion roubles, environmental protection 76,7 billion roubles, education — 595 billion rubles, culture and cinematography of 99.7 billion rubles, health care — 378,6 billion, media — 77.2 billion rubles sport — 90,1 billion, debt service — 728,6 billion roubles, interbudgetary transfers — 757,3 billion.

Credit support to the regions will grow twice

In preparation for the second reading the deputies of “United Russia” has prepared amendments for 250 billion rubles in 2017, it has become possible due to the redistribution of costs within existing budget parameters. All reallocated funds for 540 billion in 2017, more than 1 trillion rubles — just over three years, said the head of the Duma Committee on budget and taxes Andrei Makarov (“United Russia”).

Amendments allocated additional 9.2 billion rubles for the financing of transport infrastructure of Crimea and Sevastopol. The article “Transportation” is allocated 5,8 billion roubles in 2017. In addition, a number of amendments aimed at financing of road economy of the Russian Federation in the framework of “Safe and high-quality roads” — 30 billion roubles in 2017 and 2018.

Amendments initiated by deputies, increasing the credit support of subjects of the Russian Federation from the Federal budget in 2 times — from 100 billion to 200 billion.

the Regions will also receive in 2017, funds in a separate form of grants — to ensure a balanced budget. In this article, the Crimea will receive additional of 18.65 billion rubles, Sevastopol — 5,16 billion rubles. The recipient of this type of subsidies will also Chechnya: the amount of subsidies for the Republic will amount to 16.4 billion rubles in 2017.

VEB and Rosselkhozbank accumulate new tools

Additional subsidies will be allocated to credit institutions on compensation of shortfall of their income from loans granted to farming enterprises. Taking into account the amendments of the subsidy will amount to 21.3 billion rubles in 2017, 17.6 billion in 2018 and 17.17 billion in 2019.

To support agriculture sent an additional 10,638 billion rubles, including 5 billion rubles in 2017 laid on additional capitalization of Rosselkhozbank (Rosselkhozbank).

the Budget includes a property payment of the Russian Federation “Vnesheconombank” for the acquisition by the Corporation of shares of JSC “Russian export center.” The total amount of the fee will be 10 billion rubles in 2017. Also adopted a rule according to which by decision of the government of the Russian Railways will have the right to Fund in 2017 in the amount of 10 billion rubles for the construction bypassing Ukraine Railways from the funds of unused contributions of the Russian Federation in the authorized capital of the company, intended for other purposes.

More Finance company towns and export

prevention of HIV and viral hepatitis provides for the allocation of 17.68 billion in 2017, of 17.13 billion in 2018 and of 16.75 billion in 2019. Annually it is planned to allocate 25 billion roubles to implement the program for construction of new schools.

In single-industry towns will be provided an additional 6.5 billion, to support export-oriented industries will cost the budget of 25 billion rubles, the mortgage and rental housing for 10 billion roubles, housing and the urban environment — 20 billion rubles.

More than 13 billion roubles will be allocated in 2017 to support small businesses through the contribution to the authorized capital of the Corporation for the development of SMEs.

1.4 billion for each year of the three-year period will be allocated to support municipal houses of culture. To support creative activities of municipal theatres in small towns will receive 670 million in 2017, a similar amount will be provided for this purpose in 2018 and in 2019.

To ensure the lump sum in 5 thousand military pensioners will be allocated 10.5 billion rubles. Funding to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation is increased to 3,724 billion rubles, and this amount will be allocated in 2017 and in 2018 and 2019. Support for national organizations of disabled persons increased by 150 million rubles.

As said Makarov, the budget was solved the problem of financial provision of realisation of decrees of the President in the 2017 budget for these purposes laid 625,7 billion rubles plus 36.4 billion in 2018 — 674,2 billion plus 48.5 billion in 2019 — 650 billion rubles.

Read earlier in this story: the state Duma will accept the budget-2017 Budget stagnation transforming into the budget of the collapse?

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