Friday, December 9, 2016

ATB: the license of the “daughter” will have no impact on the Bank’s operations and Information portal

the license of the M2M private Bank will not affect the future activities of Asia-Pacific Bank (ATB). The statement of the ATB are available on its official website. Recall that ATB has a 100% share of M2M private Bank.

“the Decision of the Bank of Russia does not affect operational activities and further development of ATB business. Strategy ATB provides further independent development of servicing wealthy clients using technological and product know-how of the subsidiary Bank”, — stated in the message of ATB.

As stated in the Bank, the decision to revoke the licenses of M2M private Bank was preceded by consultations of its shareholders with the specialists of the Central Bank on possible mechanisms of restoration of its full activity. “Adopted by the Bank of Russia the decision is intended to ensure maximum compliance with the interests of clients and creditors of the Bank (M2M private Bank. — Approx. ed.)”, — said in a statement.

In the information-analytical service talking about the fact that the Bank could face a reduction of capital, if they need to create reserves.

“In case of the interbank credit with maturities up to 180 days in the amount of slightly more than 6.1 billion rubles provided by M2M private Bank, was issued by the parent Bank under the credit institution will be forced to form a 100 percent reserve. According to our estimates, if the Central Bank will require ATB to form reserves for the loan once, the Bank will face a serious reduction in capital, which will negatively affect the adequacy of own funds. The sufficiency of Bank’s own funds since the beginning of this year and already have seriously declined: H1.0 decreased from 11.64% on January 1, 2016 to 9.66% on November 1; H1.1 and H1.2 — from 8.12% to 7.17%. The Bank’s capital in the accounting period decreased in the amount of 2.4 billion rubles, or by 15.6%. The level of capitalization of the financial institution at the moment can hardly be called comfortable,” — said in the information-analytical service.

Also the experts of the portal noted that last year was profitable for the Bank, largely thanks to the help of shareholders. Without her account the Bank’s loss would have amounted to more than 1.4 billion rubles. This year assistance from the shareholders was received, and the readiness and most importantly, the ability of shareholders to support the Bank in such a difficult time in many respects will be decisive. “The presence in the composition of shareholders is known to the Swedish investment Fund East Capital, as experience shows, also, gives no guarantee, quite the contrary. Of the latest examples is enough to recall the FIA-Bank, Probusinessbank, Bank 24ру and other”, — noted in the information-analytical service.

the Bank of Russia on 9 December withdrew the license for banking operations at M2M private Bank (registration number 1414, Moscow), the press service of the regulator.


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