Sunday, December 4, 2016

Oman is ready to support OPEC’s decision to cut oil production – merchant

Oman ready to cut daily oil production in accordance with the decision of the Organization of countries-exporters of oil (OPEC), said the Minister of oil and gas of the Sultanate of Muhammad bin Hamad ar-Rumhi. “We will discuss the conditions of freezing and reduction of oil production with other countries. Oman is ready to cooperate in achieving this goal. The percentage reduction in oil production will be determined at the meeting, depending on how much we are asked to reduce”,— quotes the Times of Oman Minister’s words. “The reduction in oil production — the only way out of a situation in which the market is currently overloaded. In addition, it is not enough to cut 1.2 million barrels a day, but I think we are heading in the right direction,” he said.

Earlier in OPEC acknowledged the leading role of Russia and Oman in the negotiations about the stabilization of oil production.

we will Remind, Russia and the OPEC countries were able to agree on a long-awaited deal to reduce oil production in the amount of about 1.9% of the world level, causing prices began to rise. Moscow for the first time since 1999, agreed to participate in the General reduction in the OPEC countries, have been exempted from this part of the cartel Iran.

How did the meeting of the cartel in Vienna, read in the material “Kommersant” “OPEC dragged Russia into its ranks”.


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