Sunday, December 4, 2016

Oman is willing to get less after OPEC Росбалт.RU

In Oman contributed to the agreement of the leading oil-producing countries to freeze production.

“the Sultanate is ready to cooperate in achieving this goal,” confirmed the head of the Ministry of oil and gas Mohammed bin Hamad ar-Rumhi, writes The Times of Oman.

the Gulf State is ready to cut daily oil production in accordance with the decision of the Organization of countries-exporters of oil (OPEC), the Minister added. According to him, the conditions of reduction of oil production will be discussed with other countries.

“Share reduction of production will be determined at the meeting, depending on how much we are asked to reduce. <…> Reduction of oil production — the only way out of a situation in which the market is currently overloaded. In addition, it is not enough to cut 1.2 million barrels per day (a condition which is agreed OPEC States for themselves), but I think we are heading in the right direction,” said the official.

Previously, countries outside OPEC, agreed to cut daily production by 600 thousand barrels. Minister of energy of Russia Alexander Novak said that Russia welcomes the achievement of OPEC to reduce production by 1.9% from the world level and is ready to join the agreement. After the decision of OPEC, oil prices began to rise.


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