Sunday, December 4, 2016

Nigeria and Morocco decided to build a pipeline to enter the European market – Look

, Morocco, and Nigeria on Saturday signed an agreement to establish a joint venture for the construction of the TRANS-African gas pipeline, which will link Nigerian gas fields with the countries of West Africa and Europe.

“In the agreement, both countries agreed to take concrete steps to implement the gas pipeline project, which will allow you to gain access to Nigerian gas reserves in multiple West African countries, including Morocco,” reports TASS statement of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Nigeria Geoffrey of Onyeama with reference to Reuters.

the Minister noted that in the future the pipeline will enable Nigeria to enter the European market. The construction period or the project cost is not yet known.

the Treaty between the two countries was signed during the visit of king of Morocco Mohammed VI in Abuja, the Nigerian capital. On the eve of the meeting, the Minister Onyema posted on his Twitter page a video which described the project as “very important” for Nigeria. “The pipeline will pass along the African coast from Nigeria to Morocco and maybe further into Europe”, – said the Minister.

currently, through the territory of Morocco is the gas pipeline Maghreb – Europe, which connects the Algerian gas fields with the gas systems of Spain and Portugal. 1620-km gas pipeline runs along the bed of the Strait of Gibraltar were opened in the late 1990-ies.

gas reserves, Nigeria ranks ninth in the world (5,11 trillion cubic meters or 2.7% of world reserves).

meanwhile, on Wednesday, Gazprom set a new record daily deliveries in the far abroad.

VZGLYAD reported in detail about the reasons that led the EU to change its attitude to Russian gas. “Consumption growth superimposed on the decline in Europe. In the UK and the Netherlands, the production falls, and Norway for no reason. So began the growth of imports,” – said the General Director of the national energy security Fund Konstantin Simonov.

In mid-June, the Chairman of the Board of the German gas company Wintershall Mario Mehren said that Europe needs Russian gas, demand from European consumers will only grow.


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