Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Media: Russia has offered compensation to the defendant in the case of Nemtsov’s murder – tvnz

on Tuesday, December 13, in the media appeared information that one of the defendants in the case about the murder of Boris Nemtsov Temirlan Eskerkhanov agreed to withdraw from the European court of human rights (ECHR) his complaint to the Moscow courts, which, according to defendant, did not consider his appeal, and on the staff of jail number 6. According to some, he did it after he was offered compensation for the long wait. It is about six thousand euros.

the Agreement on pre-judicial settlement of the question eskerhanova concluded the Deputy Minister of justice Russia Georgy Matyushkin and the ECHR, writes “Kommersant”.

by the Way, the other four defendants in the case Nemtsov followed the example of his accomplice and also filed complaints in the Strasbourg court.

we will Remind, Boris Nemtsov was killed on the night of February 28, 2015. He was shot in the center of Moscow. In opposition were at least four bullets, all in the back. From the received wounds the politician died on the spot.


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