Monday, December 12, 2016

The Financial Times called trump’s man of the year – RBC

the US President-Elect Donald trump

Photo: AP Photo/John Locher

the US President-Elect Donald trump became man of the year by the Financial Times. He managed to rewrite the rules of U.S. policy, says the publication.

In the material published on the newspaper’s website, emphasizes that “a well-informed Americans,” as the number of Republicans and Democrats believed that the election Donald trump is not going to happen.

“Italy could one day “swallow the bait” of Silvio Berlusconi. Britain could make a choice in favour of Brexit. But trump, the Mogul of real estate, turned into a star of the reality show, could never be accepted by the American people”, – the newspaper writes.

Even the most optimistic forecasts a few days before the elections put the odds of trump’s victory as one to three. “Then came the night of the triumph of the tramp”, which will be able to forget a few and even “weakly interested in politics,” the newspaper notes.

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According to the authors of the material, the victory trump of one year with the Brexit, the failure of the referendum in Italy and other “populist upheaval throughout the Western world”, was not accidental. “Each of these circumstances may be unique, but they are all related to significant trends. And most important of them – the General aversion to the existing policy,” says FT.

Another close trend the paper describes the decline of confidence in the media, as well as the rejection of globalization. And trump’s promise to “make America first” repeats in essence the promise of the European leaders for their countries. “The most extravagant” statement of trump in this regard, the paper calls his word that “he will be able to achieve this alone.”


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