Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Putin offers to eliminate the anachronism – the absence of a peace Treaty with Japan – Вести.Ru

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia wants full normalization of relations with Japan. He told about it in interview to a Japanese channel Nippon TV.

“the Absence of a peace Treaty (between the two countries – approx. ed.) — is an anachronism inherited from the past, and this anachronism should be eliminated”, — said the Russian President.

Vladimir Putin also noted that the establishment of trust in the bilateral relationship can serve as cooperation in the field of international security. The politician stressed that the Russian side is concerned with the increased risk associated with the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

Speaking about the Kuril issue, Putin stressed that the question of the sovereignty of Japan on the Kuril Islands may close further discussion of this topic, RIA Novosti reports.

“If it be so with the first step, the second is not necessary. Because the issue can be considered closed”, — he concluded.

After world war II peace Treaty between Russia and Japan was not signed. The stumbling block is that Japan claims the Islands of Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai. Russia, in turn, believes that the southern Kuril Islands became part of the Soviet Union at the end of the Second world war, therefore Russian sovereignty over them is consistent with international law.


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