Friday, December 9, 2016

Allseas will be engaged in pipe-laying of “Nord stream-2″ – RBK

the Laying of the gas pipeline “Nord stream — 2″ through the Baltic sea will company Allseas. About it reports a press-service of the operator of the Nord Stream pipeline 2 AG.

the Agreement between Nord Stream AG and 2 Allseas involves the performance of work for offshore laying of the first line company Allseas. In addition, the operator reserves the opportunity to contract power from Allseas for laying the second line during the first quarter of 2017. Up to this time the negotiations will be conducted for finalization of contract terms.

Other tenders for the supply of materials necessary for the implementation of the “Nord stream-2″ continue, the report says.

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Earlier, on October 20, communications Director, Nord Stream Ulrich 2 lissik stated that the first pipe of the pipeline “Nord stream-2″ will be put for the concrete coating in November 2016. Then he noted that the construction of the gas pipeline is going according to plan.

“and the stream-2″ is the second branch of the gas pipeline passing under the Baltic sea from Russia to Germany. According to the operator’s plans, the new gas branch will increase the volume of supplies to Germany twice, to 110 billion cubic meters per year.


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