Friday, December 9, 2016

Peskov commented on the statement of the Crimean attendant trump Вести.Ru

the Kremlin did not comment on the words of the Advisor of the election headquarters of Donald trump about the need to get rid of misconceptions on the issue of recognition of Russian Crimea.

“Moscow believes the official statements of President Obama and members of his administration until the end of January”, — told RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

the Inauguration of the next President Donald trump will take place on January 20.

Earlier the adviser of the electoral headquarters of the trump Carter Paige stated that the non-recognition of Russian Crimea is a “misconception”. The story of the events of recent years in Ukraine and in the Crimea he described as one of the most egregious examples of “fake news.”

the trump during election campaign promised that in case of victory, is ready to consider the situation with the recognition of the Crimea.


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