Saturday, August 1, 2015

Workers closed in Moscow Tobacco Factory JTI will receive up to 20 salaries – RBC

Record Lease

In Moscow will be closed last Tobacco Factory – “Liggett-Ducat” (LD), owned by Japanese JTI (Japan Tobacco International). The company announced today that took this step because of the decline in production of cigarettes in Russia. Factory “Ligget-Ducat” will be closed in the period to mid-2016. More than half a thousand laid-off workers receive unprecedented Russian compensation – salary to 20.

«Today at 11 am at the factory shift workers held a meeting in front of them was made CEO [" Liggett-Ducat "] Andrey Kolmanson and read all an order came from the Geneva office [in Geneva is the headquarters of the JTI], that before the end of June 2016, the company will be closed “, – told RBC Nikolai Stroenco, chairman of the trade union” Solidarity “(the trade union has Box in « Liggett -Dukat»).

RBC acquainted with the content signed by the employer and the union collective agreement, which established the size of compensation to employees in the case of early cancellation of labor contract by the employer. According to the document the amount of compensation depends on the length of service in the company and starts from the salaries of eight worked at the plant for up to three years. Employees working age receive a salary of up to 16 , depending on the length of service (16 salaries can qualify at the experience of more than 12 years). Employees of retirement age will get more – 20 salaries.

According Stroenco, paying workers at the factory LD is 60 thousand. Rub. up to 100 thousand. rub., with the majority of staff working in the company for many years. In total, the state of the plant – about 600 people.

The press service of JTI said that at present the average length of the Moscow factory is 13 years, so most workers can expect a higher amount of compensation. Thus, based on the terms of the collective agreement and the number of workers covered by the reduction in costs JTI on compensation can not be less than 500 million rubles.

The press service of JTI future expenses do not comment, but confirmed its readiness to fulfill all obligations to employees. “Employees will be guaranteed the full support and fair approach. In particular, it will be offered generous compensation packages far in excess of the requirements of Russian labor legislation (the minimum salary package will be eight), as well as the services of the leading recruitment agencies for further employment “, – emphasized in the company.

According Stroenco, manual workers provided the choice wishes to continue cooperation with JTI could move to St. Petersburg and work in a factory of the company “Petro”, which will be carried forth oizvodstvo with LD.

According to the Labour Code, the compensation that the employer is obliged to pay while reducing employees is one salary in the form of severance pay (plus compensation for unused vacation days, if available) and two month’s salary if that period the employee is not employed, as evidenced by the labor book no record of employment. Theoretically, reduced workers can count on the “fourth” salary, if after the expiry of the third month after the reduction of worker must prove that it could not employ even the employment service in the community.

«The rumors that the plant may close, walked the last two years, so today’s news does not become such a surprise: after all, the production of the factory for the last 10 years has dropped by almost two, “- said the head of the union. How many workers and managers will take the company’s offer to move to St. Petersburg, it is difficult to predict, people need to think about, he added.

According to JTI, production at two existing plants companies in Russia – LD and “Petro” – in 2008 decreased by 37.6 and 11.4%, respectively. In 2014, at the LD it produced 40.2 billion cigarettes in the “Petro” – 77.1 billion cigarettes. The main brands produced at the LD, have been Sobranie, Glamour, LD and the “Troika”. On « Petro » basic volumes still account for Camel, Winston and Mevius.

JTI, which is the international division of Japan Tobacco Inc (JTI, are also engaged in the production of soft drinks and foods in Japan) did not disclose the financial performance of the local market. According to the statements of the JT 2014, revenue from international operations in the tobacco market (business JTI) was $ 10.13 billion, operating profit – $ 3.06 billion. In 2014, JTI has produced 398 billion cigarettes. On the basis of data on production volumes of the two Russian plants (117.3 billion pieces) Russia accounted for 29.5% of the total production of the company.

Tobacco leaves Moscow

LD was the last existing tobacco factory in Moscow after the closure of the plant in 2012, “BAT-Yava” on Leningradsky Prospekt (owned international company British American Tobacco).

After the collapse of production in Moscow, JTI will a land area of ​​3 hectares at the plant LD Kashirskoye , which the company has in 2011 bought out of Moscow . The amount of ransom, produced at a reduced rate (20% of the cadastral value), was not called. Experts estimated the cost of 150-200 million rubles. In the Moscow office of JTI say that has not yet decided on the future plans for the site and the building of the factory LD.

According to the partner of Blackwood Konstantin Kovalev, land of 3 hectares with the existing buildings could be sold for no more than 3 billion rubles. “The most logical not to demolish the building and use it for a new production, – he says. – I think any assembly or boxed packaging production there could well be carried out ».

According to JTI, total investment in the factory LD since 2007, when the company departed Japanese company within the purchase of the British Gallaher Group amounted to more than $ 100 million. Closing factories and moving production will not affect the retail prices for cigarettes, say the JTI.

«Liggett -Dukat “- the old tobacco factory in Moscow, which produces cigarettes since 1891. Until 1999, the factory has been operating in the center of Moscow on the street. Hasek, and then it was moved to Kashirku where was built a new, modern complex. A few years ago the management of JTI was considering the possibility of transferring powers “Liggett-Ducat” in the Moscow region, but then the company abandoned those plans.

wrote RBC in early February, the market volume cigarettes in Russia in 2014 decreased by 9.2% to 310.6 billion pieces, or 15.53 billion packs. This is according to Philip Morris. The same company predicts a further fall in the market in 2015 at a level of 8-10%. In the first half of 2015 production of cigarettes in Russia decreased by 6,5%.

With the participation of Anna and Anna Lewinsky Deryabina


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