Saturday, August 1, 2015

Putin signed a decree on the strategic development of the airport “Vnukovo” – RBC

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the strategic development of the capital airport “Vnukovo”. The text of the document published on the website of legal information.

«Take the government’s proposal to amend the Russian Federation as a contribution to the authorized capital of JSC” International Airport “Vnukovo” federally owned 74.74% of shares of JSC “Vnukovo Airport “/ Moscow / in the order of payment for JSC” International Airport “Vnukovo” additional shares in connection with the increase of its share capital, after contributing to ensuring non-state shareholders share in the Russian Federation in the authorized capital of JSC “International Airport” Vnukovo “/ without making additional property fee / in the amount of not less than 25% plus one share, “- stated in the decree.

According to the document, within a month the government should define the list of non-state shareholders, making the property as a contribution to the authorized capital stock. Three months is given to the Cabinet of Ministers to determine the composition of the property contributed as the contribution of each non-state shareholders in the authorized capital of the airport.


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