Sunday, August 2, 2015

New aircraft wreckage found on the island of Reunion, as it turns out, are not relevant to the missing flight MH370. – BBC Russian

Volunteers continue to comb the coastal strip

New wreckage found on the island of Reunion, as it turns out, are not relevant to the missing flight MH370.

Earlier, local police reported that the object – presumably, the door liner – was found south of the town of Saint-Denis.

It was also reported that it had found inscriptions in a foreign language, and perhaps some illustrations.

“I run an investigation in France studying the wing brought here. I have read in many media that [new found fragments] – it’s part of the door. But I checked it out with the specialist of the Civil Aviation and the people on the ground in Reunion. It was just an ordinary ladder “- he said Associated Press Director General of Civil Aviation Mazayzii Azharuddin Abdul Rahman.

This information, however, does not apply to the first found object – found earlier this week by two-meter fragment of which, presumably, can be a piece of an airplane wing. It is now investigating experts in France to establish whether he belonged MH370.

Malaysia, however, appealed to the residents of the islands of the Indian Ocean, located not far from the French island of Reunion, c request to increase their vigilance in the case of new the wreckage of flight MH370.

The first piece found on beach, taken to France for examination

The Minister of Transport of Malaysia said that he would like to expand the search area of ​​the aircraft, to include the oceanic waters around the island.

previously found in the Reunion of the aircraft wing aims for examination to France.

The research will meet in Toulouse, in the laboratory of the Ministry of Defence of France. Boeing has dispatched a group of experts to assist.

A separate examination will be held on the found piece of luggage.

oceanographer David Griffin of the National Research Agency of Australia said that the place of discovery, in Réunion, fits in representation of where ocean currents could carry the wreckage.

On board the ship, who disappeared in March 2014, there were 239 people. The plane flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing and disappeared after abruptly changed course and disabled-board transponders. The search for the aircraft nor to no avail.


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