Sunday, August 2, 2015

Fractional construction loses investors – the situation is worse than in the “crisis” 2009 – Express News

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02.08 | 19:00

Publisher « News », referring to an informed source, said that this year the enterprise developers began half to receive investment from shareholders. And the reason for this situation, experts say, is the economic crisis in the country, which makes the Russians to abandon such long-term investments. And proof of that is the statistic that says that, compared with 2013 the year when the accounts of developers received about $ 1.3 trillion. rubles, in 2014 this figure dropped to 647.8 billion figure. rubles.

According to the assurances of experts, now the Russians are afraid to invest money, even in those projects, the implementation of which is scheduled for term of 3-5 years. The point here is that many companies are developers, though optimistic, however, temporarily suspended their activities. Meanwhile, analyzing the situation in the construction market, the government proposal was made to abandon the practice of shared construction, which has already found support from the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov.


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