Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Trump called for Boeing to abandon the construction of the presidential plane – RBC

the US President-Elect Donald trump on his Twitter page wrote that the Boeing contract with the US government to build the presidential Board “number one” (Air Force One) should be abolished because of its high prices. This writes the newspaper The Washington Post.

“building a new Boeing 747 for future presidents, but spending is out of control, more than $ 4 billion will Cancel the order!” — trump wrote on his page in the microblog.

the Contract with companies to supply Boeing 747-8 was signed in January 2015, commissioning expected in 2017. This aircraft was the only one that complies with the requirements for the presidential Board and it was made in the US, the newspaper said.

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Subsequently, trump explained his decision in a conversation with journalists in his Trump Tower skyscraper in Manhattan. According to him, “Boeing uses a little [government]“. “We want Boeing has earned a lot of money, but not much,” concluded trump.

on the transition team trump commented on the statement of the elected President, noting that it reflects the approach trump to cost accounting, writes Reuters. The team also noted that trying to save the taxpayers some money. More specific details on such proposals appears after trump will move into the White house.

the Newspaper failed to timely obtain a comment from The Air Force and Boeing.

As the WP, the US President Barack Obama in 2009, also said that the helicopter fleet of the White house — “an example of how the procurement process gone mad”. Obama offered to cut costs, but then the helicopter fleet of any changes has not undergone.


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