Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Rogozin called the date of commencement of production of Kalashnikov assault rifles in Venezuela – RBC

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Rogozin,

Photo: Sergey Mamontov/RIA Novosti

the Plant producing Kalashnikovs in Venezuela, the construction of which was suspended two years ago, is operating at full capacity in 2019, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin

In 2019 in Venezuela at full capacity to make plant for the production of Kalashnikov assault rifles, the construction of which was suspended two years ago. The journalists said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, reports “RIA Novosti”.

“We expect that in 2019 the full force earns already a factory for production of AK-103 and ammunition. That is, those issues that was two or three years ago, they resolved,” — said Rogozin.

He explained that the factory building is not ready yet, but the Russian side has chosen a new Venezuelan contractors to finish building it. According to the Vice Prime Minister, the building’s half, now there are no Windows, doors and stable electricity. All the Russian equipment for the production have already been delivered to Venezuela, and is currently in custody, said Rogozin.

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the Construction of plants for the production of Kalashnikov rifles in Venezuela was suspended in 2014. Because of failures in construction in Russia opened a criminal case. The investigation established that in the period from February 2010 to June 2011 unknown were stolen more than a billion rubles.

In March this year, the head of the delegation of “Rosoboronexport” at an arms exhibition FIDAE Sergei Ladygin said that building factories will resume April 1. Ladygin pointed out that the implementation of the project “faced with difficulties”.

April 22, Deputy Director of the Federal service for military-technical cooperation (FS VTS) Anatoly Punchy confirmed that the construction of the plant resumed. Then he praised the readiness of the plants are “70 percent”.

In the 1950s, the USSR gave a license to manufacture Kalashnikovs eighteen countries, mostly allies in the Warsaw Pact. To date, these licenses have expired. As noted in the “Rosoboronexport”, Venezuela will become the first country which will begin to produce new models of Kalashnikov assault rifles at its plant under the official license of Russia.


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