Thursday, December 1, 2016

“The focus of Putin’s message on domestic policy — a signal to the West” – REGNUM

Moscow, 1 December 2016, 13:58 — REGNUM In the Scenarios drew attention to the fact that the message to the Federal Assembly, the Russian President focused on domestic policy, the correspondent of REGNUM December 1.

“Chip to today’s message, a clear focus on domestic policy, which the President devoted almost all his speech. And this, in my opinion, entirely justified,” said a member of the Federation Council of the Franz Klintsevich.

“the strength of the country, like any other living organism, is based on internal sources. In fact in his message the President of Russia has formed the agenda of Russia’s development in the medium term,” said the Senator.

“I Think the message is clear: we in Russia is concentrated primarily on their internal Affairs and in the improvement of their country. And all our actions are in the defense sector is dictated by only one desire — to create safe conditions for its development. Vladimir Putin again warned the West against attempts to break the strategic balance in the world: it is fraught with a global catastrophe,” — said Klintsevich.

“I Think that our soldiers, executing orders of the Motherland in Syria, it was very nice to hear warm words of the President in his address. They deserve it,” — concluded the Senator.

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