Thursday, December 1, 2016

“Extended an olive branch to the West”: the foreign media about the message of Putin – RBC

During the broadcast of the annual message of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly in the shop “M. Video”

Photo: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS

Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address to the Federal Assembly. The Western media noted “peaceful tone” of the President and his intention to move away from anti-Western rhetoric.

The Washington Post

“In recent years, Putin in the Epistles addressed to the issues of economy and corruption. In Russia continues the economic downturn caused by low oil prices. However, despite the growing distrust of the government, the President’s rating remains at 80%. Putin recently dismissed economy Minister after accusing him of bribery. To a large extent, as experts point out, it’s an incentive to keep the opposition in the government on their toes.”

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Business Insider

“Putin, as before, expressed hope that US President-elect Donald trump will help to restart broken Russian-American relations. Analysts say that anti-Western rhetoric, Putin does not need on the eve of the inauguration of trump, which will take place in January. The Russian leader also said that he hopes to reach agreement with Washington on matters of global terrorism. The tone of Putin’s message was much more peaceful than usual, but he still makes it clear that Russia will continue to vigorously defend its interests.”


“It (Putin. — RBC) conciliatory tone dramatically different from last year, when Putin lashed out at Turkish President Erdogan after Turkish air force shot down a Russian plane”.

Financial Times:

“the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has offered the West an olive branch, denounced “myths about Russian aggression,” and expressed the hope that the new US administration will cooperate with Russia in regard to the fight against terrorism. Russia hopes that Mr. trump will become a partner in the Syrian conflict where more willingly than its predecessor Barack Obama, who did not get along with Mr. Putin over Moscow’s support for Assad”.


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