Monday, December 5, 2016

Putin called worthless words depending on buyers of gas from Russia – RBC

President Vladimir Putin

Photo: Vyacheslav Prokofyev/host photo Agency TASS

the Assertion that buyers of Russian gas are dependent on Moscow, not unfounded, said Vladimir Putin. Speaking of the “Nord stream-2″, he noted that he had no doubts about its implementation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with the workers Eterno, OOO in Chelyabinsk called not having a reason “idea” the statement that those who buy Russian gas, fall into dependence on Moscow.

“There is absolutely not groundless idea that those who buy our gas, become dependent on Russia. This is absolutely stupid, worthless argument,” he said (quoted by TASS).

the Head of state added that in this case we are talking about “interdependence”. “If our customer becomes dependent on the seller, from us, we also find ourselves at the mercy of the buyer. Because the gas pipe — it is designed for a specific recipient, and thus we also become addicted”, — Putin said (quoted by “RIA Novosti”).

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He added that a number of transit countries objected to the project “Northern stream” since lose benefits in the form of transit fees. “But in the end the cost of transit falls on the buyer, the final price,” — said the head of state.

Speaking of the “Nord stream-2″, the Russian President noted that none of the participants expressed no desire to leave. “Despite the difficulties that lay in the fact that Poland has not given permission, all participants in the project remained primarily foreign — German, Austrian companies”, — said the head of state. Everyone wants to work, and he has no doubts that this project will be implemented, said Putin.

the President also said that Gazprom supplies Europe with a record for Russia and the Soviet Union amounts of gas. “We are able to provide for himself, and even the growing needs of the Russian economy, and our partners, — said the head of state. — Now little known, it has not publicly say, Gazprom supplies Europe with as much gas as has never supplied neither Russia nor the Soviet Union”.

the Second branch of the gas pipeline “Nord stream”, laid under the Baltic sea to increase the volume of gas supplies to Germany twice, to 110 billion cubic meters per year. The consortium for the implementation of the project included in addition to the Russian Gazprom, the German companies E. ON and Wintershall, the Anglo-Dutch Shell, Austria’s OMV and French ENGIE.

In March, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Lithuania were against the implementation of the “Nord stream-2″. In the opinion of the heads of governments of these countries, the construction of the pipeline carries a geopolitical threat.


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