Monday, December 5, 2016

Ildar Dading was transferred to another colony

the Convicted civil activist Ildar Dading, complained of beatings and torture in a penal colony No. 7 in Karelia, where he served time, was transferred to the colony in another region

Press-Bureau FSIN of the Russian Federation said that the Dading decided to transfer to serve their sentence in another correctional facility “in connection with numerous appeals of representatives of human rights community” on this issue

the Convicted civil activist Ildar Dading, complained of beatings and torture in a penal colony No. 7 in Karelia, where he served time, was transferred to the colony in another region, reported the Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN) on 5 December. Where exactly was sent by Dading, the Agency has not disclosed.

“so Much talk was about translation, and Moscow decided – quoted Interfax the press-Secretary of Karelian FPS Vitaly Fefelova. – We received instructions. He was transferred to another region”.

he Later told reporters that the Dading was transferred to another region at the end of last week, but exactly when is not disclosed. “Spenard arrived from Moscow, and Dading were sent from Karelia, – quotes its TASS. – By law we can’t tell in what region he was transferred, so expect information from the Dading that within 10 days from the moment of arrival to the place of punishment informs the choice of one of their relatives about where he is serving a sentence”.

a Press-Bureau FSIN of the Russian Federation said that the Dading decided to transfer to serve their sentence in another correctional facility “in connection with numerous appeals of representatives of human rights community” on the issue, reports RIA “Novosti”.

Dading is on the stage, “his security is guaranteed,” the website “Open Russia” citing an unnamed representative of the Federal penitentiary service.

the press service of the Ministry reminded that, in accordance with the Criminal Executive code of the notification of the arrival of the convict to the place of punishment the administration of the institution sends only one of the relatives (of his choice) not later than 10 days from the date of its arrival.

Protection Dading confirmed the information about his transfer from prison in the town of Segezha. “Today I arrived for the meeting with his client, but I was told in the administration of the fku IK-7, which he supposedly somewhere transported,” – said his lawyer Nikolai Zboroshenko.

Ildar Dading – Russia’s only convicted under article 212.1 after her appearance in the new edition of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2014. In December 2015, he was sentenced to three years in a General regime colony. In March 2016, the Moscow city court has mitigated the sentence to activist for six months.

In November 2016 Dading publicly reported torture and beatings in the Karelian colony N7, which caused a wide public resonance and visits of human rights defenders in this correctional facility. FSIN denied statements Dading, calling him “a talented imitator”.

on 24 November the European Parliament at its plenary session in Strasbourg, to respect for human rights, made the resolution, which also demanded the immediate release of the Dading from the colony and independent investigation into his allegations of torture.


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