MOSCOW, 5 Dec – PRIME. Gazprom GAZP is considering various options to protect rights in Ukraine after the local court fined the Russian gas giant, for $ 6.8 billion, the company said.

the Economic court of Kiev satisfied the claim of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine ordered to “Gazprom”, which demanded to collect from the concern 86,86 billion ($ 3.4 billion) and the same amount of penalties for delay for abuse of a monopoly position in the market of transit of gas.

Initially, the penalty imposed by the AMCU in 2015 and give the repayment period up to 12 April 2016. “Gazprom” has answered that passing gas “Naftogaz” on the Western border of the Russian Federation, does not conduct business activities on the territory of Ukraine. The fine was appealed by Gazprom, but the suit was returned without consideration.