Friday, December 9, 2016

Deprived of licenses of VEGA-Bank, M2M private Bank, international Development Bank and the Bank “RFA” – Information

the Bank of Russia withdrew on Friday the licenses of four Moscow-based credit organizations: VEGA-Bank (registration No. 3270), M2M private Bank (1414), the International Development Bank (2704) and the Bank “Russian Financial Alliance” (2035).

the Decision to use extreme measures of the Central Bank to explain the failure of the banks of the Federal laws regulating Bank activity, and statutory acts of the regulator.

VEGA-Bank is charged with repeated within one year of the violation of the requirements of the Federal law “about counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes obtained in a criminal way, and terrorism financing” and normative acts of the Bank of Russia in terms of timely and quality submission of information to the authorized body. In addition, the regulator thought about the application to Bank of measures envisaged by the Federal law “on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” took into consideration the presence of real threat to interests of depositors and creditors and noted that poor asset quality VEGA-Bank inadequately assessed risks. In addition, VEGA-Bank, in the opinion of the Central Bank, was involved in conducting dubious operations.

on Tuesday, December 6, VEGA-Bank has been disconnected from system of Bank electronic urgent payments (BESP), while it was reported that payments to individuals are carried out. The Bank said that can’t figure out the reason off from BESP, and drew attention to the fact that on 12 October 2016 there is over a comprehensive audit of the Central Bank, which did not reveal the “big complaints” and off-balance sheet deposits, “of the regulations and restrictions no were not introduced”.

In the capital of VEGA-Bank can’t figure out the reason off financial institutions from BESP, the official representative of the Bank’s correspondent

M2M private Bank, as explained by the regulator, placed funds in low-quality assets and has not created adequate accepted risks provisions. In connection with the unsatisfactory quality of assets the credit organisation did not provide timely fulfillment of obligations to creditors.

the Central Bank said that in October 2016, it has imposed restrictions on providing Asian-Pacific Bank loans of M2M private Bank (ATB July 2016 is the owner of 100% of the shares of M2M private Bank, and for some time support to liquidity), which enabled to prevent the further expenditure of capital and liquidity ATB and a threat to the financial stability of the parent Bank.

In November, M2M private Bank due to liquidity problems, ceased making payments, and not previously fulfilled the second part of the REPO transaction on 329,4 million. Later, the Board of Directors M2M private Bank has considered the request of the acting Chairman of the management Board on the prevention of bankruptcy of the Bank, it could be bail-in, which is reported by the media.

Earlier, the shareholders of Asian-Pacific Bank was discussing with the Central Bank scheme, which would allow the credit institution to avoid problems in the event of the collapse of the “daughter”. On Tuesday, 6 December, “Kommersant” wrote that if the proceedings end by withdrawal of the license from M2M private Bank, ATB would have to increase their reserves for the sum about 7 billion rubles.

the Shareholders of Asian-Pacific Bank (ATB) discuss with the Central Bank scheme, which would allow the Bank to avoid problems in the event of the collapse of his troubled “daughter” M2M private Bank (M2M). Since mid-November, M2M is experiencing difficulties with making payments, and if the proceedings end by withdrawal of the license, ATB will have to increase their reserves for the sum about 7 billion rubles, writes “Kommersant”.

international Development Bank also was unable to timely fulfill liabilities to creditors, as he conducted high-risk lending policy and placed monetary funds low-quality assets and subsequent insufficient cash flow. “As a result of execution of requirements of Supervisory authority about formation of the necessary reserves for possible losses in activity of the credit organization have any grounds for implementing measures to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy),” said the Central Bank.

In November it became known that the MDBs are requested to apply for the receipt of deposits. As reported by in a credit institution, on Monday, November 28, you can sign up to receive a contribution on December 10. Previously, the Bank was disconnected from BESP.

the International Development Bank are requested to apply for the receipt of deposits.

In the Bank “Russian Financial Alliance”, in addition, there were established facts of essential unauthenticity of the accounting data. “Credit institution ignored the requirements of the Supervisory authority on presentation to the Bank of Russia as reliable statements reflecting its real financial situation,” — emphasizes the Bank. The assets of the Bank were also poor quality and did not generate sufficient cash flow to ensure timely execution by Bank of obligations to creditors.

the day before the revocation of the Bank became aware that its former leaders may become defendants in the criminal case about the theft of 700 million rubles. The relevant statements to law enforcement made by the President of the Board of Directors of the Bank “RFA” Mudalal Khoury, wrote “Kommersant”. Former executives of the Bank, said Khoury, gave “direct instructions” to employees of falsification of documents and records related to the loans.

In mid-November, the Central Bank has cut Bank “RFA” from BESP.

co-Owner of the Bank is the head of FIDE, the former President of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. As reported, he and the Bank are under U.S. sanctions.

the Former heads of Bank “Russian Financial Alliance” (RFA), the beneficiary of which was the FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, can become involved in the criminal case of theft of 700 million rubles. The relevant statements to law enforcement made by the President of the Board of Directors of the financial structure Mudalal Khoury.

All of the above banks, excluding the Bank “Russian Financial Alliance”, are participants of system of insurance of contributions. The Agency on insurance of contributions promised to start payments to depositors of VEGA-Bank, M2M private Bank and International Development Bank not later than 23 December, and the selection of agent banks to carry out up to December 15. Regarding M2M private Bank, the Central Bank has reported that the amount of the insurance liability DIA is about 800 million rubles.


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