Thursday, December 8, 2016

CBR revoked the licenses of four Moscow banks – Komsomolskaya Pravda

on Friday, 9 December, Central Bank Russia has revoked the licenses of three Moscow banks. We are talking about “VEGA-Bank”, which took 304th place in the banking system Russia by total assets, as well as “M2M private Bank” (164-e a place), “International Bank of Development” (423), and the “Russian Financial Alliance” (545).

As it turned out, “VEGA-Bank” with a poor quality assets inadequately assessed risks. In addition, the credit institution does not comply with the requirements of the legislation in the field of combating money laundering and financing of terrorism. The Bank was involved in questionable conduct operations.

“M2M private Bank” and “international Development Bank” paid for that placed funds in low-quality assets. “ARF”, as reported on the website of the regulator, due to poor asset quality was unable to fulfill obligations to creditors.

by the Way, in 2015 licenses have lost 93 Bank, the largest of which became “the Russian credit” and “Probusinessbank”.


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