Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Who killed the nurses in Aleppo: Red Cross indifferent to the death of their colleagues Вести.Ru

a Russian military doctor Vadim Arsentyev, wounded during yesterday’s shelling by terrorists of a mobile hospital in Aleppo, is in stable condition. As reported the Ministry of defense night the medic helicopter was taken to the base Hamim, where he underwent a complicated operation. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered to provide all necessary assistance to the families, like the wounded doctor and the two killed in the firing of nurses. The West, usually ostentatiously alarmed by the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, responded to the tragedy with indifference, if not to say cynical.

Over the place of tragedy rises a light smoke. Here the scattered fragments of canvas tents.

Dead Russian nurse Sergeant Galina Mikhailova and Sergeant Hope Durachenko — both from Birobidzhan. The photographs are of smiling, happy. Both was not yet forty years old. Both left children.

“this year We celebrated 20 years of marriage. Daughter still in shock, not believe that mom died,” says the husband of the deceased nurse Konstantin Durachenko.

the attack of militants seriously wounded Vadim Arsentiev, chief pediatrician of the Ministry of defense of Russia.

Not so long ago he was discussing with colleagues the forthcoming treatment of Syrian children, which are transported to St. Petersburg. Only the diagnoses talking about what level of assistance is required.

“one girl fructosemia, have a child with malformation of the pancreas, has a child to epilepsy”, lists diagnoses acting head of the Department of children’s diseases Military medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov, the chief pediatrician of the Ministry of defence Vadim Arsentiev.

“the Chief pediatrician could carry out his leadership from afar. But apparently, his character, his responsibility is not allowed to send someone else. And it drove itself,” — said the head of the children’s Cabinet Clinic of children’s diseases Olga Bulygina.

“We are very close with him. It was almost like a father to my children, showed great attention”, — said the father undergoing treatment at the Saint-Petersburg children Ismail Fadel.

Now the already operated on him to urgently return to Russia. A special flight of the military transport aircraft has already departed from the airfield Hamim in Moscow.

“Shock. Shock. No one saw this coming. He left happy, we talked, even joked. He said next time we will go together there,” says associate Professor of children’s diseases Military medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov Yuriy Sergeyev.

In Syria, too shocked by the attack on doctors. A shock to all, but apparently not for Western diplomacy. In Washington seem ready to condemn the attack, but only if the reports are confirmed. And once a reservation: a pier, did not provide the Syrian opposition coordinates for strikes.

meanwhile, in Moscow, and note that in some strange way the militants knew the location of the hospital.

“We very much regret that the international community and, incidentally, including our partners in America more than modestly respond to the tragedy that happened to the shelling of the hospital in Syria. We very much regret that in fact, now the Russian side alone is trying to provide humanitarian assistance to the residents, who come from Eastern Aleppo fleeing from the captivity of militants,” — said the official representative of the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov.

“This, we believe, planned action planned by those who are trying to maintain their positions in Aleppo under the guise of patrons from abroad. It is sad that Western countries who boast of their concern for human rights and humanitarian situation in Aleppo and in General in Syria, in fact, continue the line to support the radicals and extremists,” continued the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov.

the international Committee of the red cross said an attack on health and civic facilities in Aleppo is evidence that all parties to the conflict is unable to fulfil its responsibility to respect and protect health workers. Even the word “infrastructure” is not alone: people died. And strange, when emphasized neutral “party to the conflict” referred to those who shoot the doctors.

“We had hoped for, at least, to respect for the ICRC’s activities to our physicians in Aleppo and condemnation of actions of fighters so-called “opposition”. But got cynical comments, not worthy of the high status of the International Committee of the red cross and not showing the objectivity of approaches, and the perfect indifference to the murder of Russian doctors in Aleppo,” — said the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov.

serendipitously, at the time of firing to the receiving branch of the Russian hospital have not got dozens of Syrian children with parents of the liberated areas of Aleppo. Otherwise, even scary to imagine how many have been victims.


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