Thursday, December 1, 2016

The wreckage of “Progress” looking for Tuva – Утро.Ru

the Loss of the transport ship is estimated at five billion

TASS Sources in the space industry suffered the loss of the cargo ship “Progress MS-04″, with whom communication was lost during the separation of the third stage RD-0110. Most likely, the ship has crashed in an area of China or the Pacific, said the Agency interlocutor. At the same time, sources of RIA Novosti in the power structures of Tuva argue about the fall of the wreckage of the ship to the region. In fact the alleged fall of “Progress” organized search operation.

“Progress M1-12″ orbit. Photo: NASA/ wikimedia

the Launch of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U” with a cargo spacecraft “Progress MC-04″ from the Baikonur cosmodrome on Thursday was a success, experts have yet to announce the withdrawal of the ship in orbit. Two days of “Progress” was supposed to be in free flight, docked with the International space station (ISS) was scheduled for 3 Dec 19:43 Moscow time. However, six minutes later after starting the connection with the “Progress” was lost.

NASA Experts admit that the cargo spacecraft from the third stage occurred too early. The exact cause of the loss of the ship is not yet possible, as transmitted to telemetry is not a complete picture of what happened. At the same time, the source Agency “Interfax” said the probability of technical problems – problems with an engine or produced in Ukraine by the control system.

On Board the “Progress” was about 2.5 tons of payload to ISS, medicines, food, water and air for cosmonauts, scientific equipment, fuel, personal care products, apparatus for the production of “yogurt” in weightlessness, and food and fruits for new year’s table.

the Total damage from the loss of the cargo transport ship “Progress M-27M” may amount to 5 billion rubles, said the source Agency “Interfax” in the rocket-space industry of the country. The rocket and the fact that the docking of the truck with the ISS insured companies SOGAZ and Ingosstrakh on a parity basis. The sum of insurance payments can range from two to five billion rubles, which insurers must pay in the event of death of the ship. Thus the single launch of the rocket “Soyuz” manned spacecraft is estimated at $ 90 million.

the last time “Progress” was lost in April 2015 due to withdrawal of the apparatus into the incorrect orbit.

currently on-Board ISS is a crew of six. In the event of a loss of “Progress” the next truck to the ISS will be sent ahead of time, the source said “Interfax”. As a backup transport to be directed to “Progress МС0″, the launch of which was scheduled for February.


Department information

19:52, 01.12.2016


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