Thursday, December 1, 2016

The media learned about the shortage of 13 billion rubles for the construction of runway 3 at Sheremetyevo – RBC

the Plane at the airport “Sheremetyevo”. 2011

Photo: Valery sharifulin/TASS

To build a third runway at Sheremetyevo, which is one of the key objects of the program of preparation for the world Cup 2018, is not enough to about 13 billion rubles learned the newspaper “Kommersant”

For the construction of a third runway at Sheremetyevo is not enough is about 13 billion rubles, and the total deficit of funds for the reconstruction and building of Federal facilities at the airport is 19 billion rubles, despite the fact that all of these goals allocated to 35.5 billion rubles, writes “Kommersant” with reference to own sources.

the interlocutors of the newspaper told that to cover the deficit of RUB 8 billion will be redirected from other objects, and another 4.5 billion rubles will be attracted when return is not worked by the contractor of the advance.

the economy Ministry told the publication that don’t know about the lack of funds to Sheremetyevo. In the Federal program on development of transport of the Russian Federation for 2010-2020 for the construction of runway 3 is provided to 35.5 billion rubles.

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the Newspaper “Vedomosti” quotes the words of head of airport operations at the Federal air transport Agency Anatoly Pchelin, who said that in the process of building VPP-3 in the Sheremetyevo there were additional expenses. According to him, now adjusted the draft is in Glavgosexpertiza, after approval by the Federal air transport Agency will offer additional funding to the project.

bee also said that Sony may additionally send to the third band in the Sheremetyevo, savings on other airfield projects that are being built for the world Cup in 2018.

One Federal official explained to the newspaper that Sony is waiting for the approval of the budget to understand, which means you can count on. “But the third band in any case be constructed in full (length — 3200 m, width — 60 m). But can be reduced infrastructure to service the lanes reduced the number of taxiways, including not two, but one main taxiway,” — said the source publication.

the Program of preparation for holding in 2018 in the Russian Federation world Cup was approved by the government on 20 June 2013. It includes construction, reconstruction of 281 facilities and the implementation of 9 measures.

the facilities at Sheremetyevo airport include 179-181 points of the program. The paper noted that in the construction of the third runway will also be constructed taxiway, apron, water treatment facilities, patrol road, fence rescue station. Work financed by the budget. Only the reconstruction of the airport complex, not under Federal ownership are financed from extra-budgetary sources.


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