Monday, December 12, 2016

The head of audit Chamber: “In 2017, the Reserve Fund will end” – Komsomolskaya Pravda

the head of the audit Board Tatiana speaker in an interview with “Ogonek” magazine confirmed that the money in the Reserve Fund by the end of next year, there will be. But to this fact the chief auditor of the country is philosophical:

- Lived, however, when the stabilization Fund was not. And as if cursed Kudrin when Finance suggested such a Fund to create!, – SPAmiNET the head of the joint venture, to Formulate a new fiscal rule will have. And it would be good to do it quickly while the oil is teetering on the 50, but the budget is laid 40, not $ 100 per barrel. According to the calculations of the budget, in 2017, the Reserve Fund will be completely exhausted. After this, the government will switch to using the funds of the national welfare Fund. Glad that backing money to use to Finance budget spending will be less. In 2017 there will take 1.8 trillion, and in 2019 – only 140 billion.

Tatyana Golikova explained how the government plans to spend budgetary funds.

- In General, the increase of funding — for roads, housing construction, listed it. – A little older spending on health and education is more important to support the regions. It is possible to ascertain General trends. For example, reduction in relative terms by 2019, defense spending. And spending on social policy will remain unchanged and will provide any legal social obligations.

All year the Finance Department produced a variety of predictions, what will happen to the economy in the next year, 5 or even 20 years. According Golikova, her office such researches do not trust.

- Maybe one of the reasons of the lack of reliable forecasts that each Agency calculates their own words,- said the head of the audit chamber, – the package of documents for the budget-2017 sent to the Council, contained proposals of all government agencies and their calculations. And they all differed in numbers and conclusions. I have the feeling that many are without looking and docking with the offers of their neighbours.

the counting Board conducts financial audits of all public institutions and government agencies. And it there are a lot of complaints about the spending of many of them. According to the calculations of SP, the budget revenues for next year would increase by another 140 billion rubles.

- the Greatest number of complaints from the accounting chamber on the revenues collected by the Customs service. For example, imported products or equipment is often cheaper than the raw material from which they are made. Or again: there is active use of privileges on payment of VAT on imported high-tech equipment. Checked: in some cases, the equipment was 50-90 years of issue and under the modern concept did not fit in any way. It requires putting in order.


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