Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The European court of auditors considered Ukraine as the most corrupt country in Europe – Kommersant

According to the report of experts of the European court of auditors (ECA), Ukraine is the most corrupt country of Europe. “Despite the efforts for reforms, Ukraine is still perceived as the most corrupt country in Europe,” say analysts at ESA.

they are also called “fragile” financial assistance from the EU Ukraine. “Assistance from the EU Ukraine has had limited impact, despite the momentum for reform achieved so far, the results remain fragile”,— reported in the report of the auditors.

Yesterday, the former Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Onishchenko declared by Ukraine on the wanted list on suspicion of embezzling funds of the subsidiary and causing the state losses of $ 1.6 billion, in an interview with RT, accused the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko of bribery of parliamentarians and embezzlement of funds of the International monetary Fund (IMF). According to the former Deputy, he has already sent to the US authorities evidence of corruption of the President of Ukraine.

As reported by “Kommersant”, the U.S. will allocate $ 220 million to Ukraine to hold a number of political (in particular, the decentralization of power), economic reforms and reforms in the energy sector. Aid package aimed, inter alia, to support the Ukrainian government proposed changes in the customs laws, fight corruption, and strengthen the energy security of the country.

learn More about loan Kiev read in the material “Kommersant” “the United States will provide Ukraine with $ 220 million.”


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