Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Central Bank has denied information about the theft by hackers of 2 billion RUB from correspondent accounts – RBC

Bank of Russia

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina/RBC

Information about the theft by hackers of correspondent accounts with Bank of Russia 2 billion rubles is not true, said the Central Bank. Previously this amount was named by CNN without revealing details.

the Bank of Russia has denied the information about the theft by hackers of 2 billion rubles on correspondent accounts with the CBR.

“Information about the theft of 2 billion rubles correspondent accounts with the Bank of Russia in case of a hacker attack is not true. In the financial stability Review, which was presented the night before, it was about the losses incurred by commercial banks and their customers, as a result of hacker attacks for all of 2016,” — said TASS in the press service of the regulator.

Earlier, on 2 December, the broadcaster CNN reported that the hackers stole 2 billion rubles from Russian banks, which were in CB. In the message channel also said that the regulator confirmed the information. The TV station referred to the chief of the main Directorate of security and information protection of the Central Bank Artem Sychev, who reported that hackers were trying to steal from the accounts of controller of five billion rubles, but thanks to the efforts of the Bank of Russia of the money — three billion — was returned.

the goal of the cyber-attacks have become private banks, which were stolen clients ‘ money, the report said. The details of the incident, however, the channel failed.

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In an interview with reporters Sychev really reminded that the cyber fraudsters with the beginning of the year tried to steal customer funds of Russian banks in the amount of 5 billion rubles, of this amount was actually stolen 2 billion rubles, Interfax reports. However, this is not new data, the same amount Sychev was called during the economic forum in Kazan Finopolis 2016 in October, they were given in the financial stability Review.

In October of 2016 in a new study of trends in high-tech crime Group-IB estimated the amount stolen by hackers from July 2015 to June 2016 5.53 billion. the Bulk of the funds (45%) were stolen using targeted attacks on the banks that are mentioned in the study. Hackers attacked ATMs and infrastructure relevant to the settlement Bank by the Central Bank, while they got the funds that are available to the Bank, and not on customer accounts, said the representative of the Group-IB. A year earlier the bulk of the thefts were of customers of banks, not physical, and legal entities: intruders broke into their offices in the systems of Internet banking.

on Friday, December 2, the Federal security service (FSB) reported that the largest Russian banks in dozens of cities have become targets of massive cyber attacks prepared by foreign special services. According to her, the attack must begin on 5 December. Server capabilities and command centers for cyber-attacks located in the territory of the Netherlands and belong to a Ukrainian hosting company BlazingFast, noted the FSB.

According to the FSB, a cyber attack must be accompanied by a mass sending provocative SMS messages and stuffing in social networks information on bankruptcy and revocation of the licences of the leading banks of Federal and regional significance and the crisis of the financial system. The Agency announced the adoption of the necessary measures to neutralize threats to economic and information security.

the Central Bank thus emphasized that has all the complete information about the threat of cyber attacks on the financial system of Russia. The regulator gave the necessary guidance to banks, the report said.

Deputy Finance Minister of Russia Alexei Moiseev in turn, said that the cyber security system of Russian banks able to repel the attacks, which warned of the FSB. “The biggest stupidity of the people that it [a cyber attack] came up with, is that there are generally no clues. With the same success we can say that the earth will fly the celestial axis. All nonsense,” said Moses.


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