Thursday, December 8, 2016

Retailers proposed a scheme for the sale of alcohol through online stores- RBC

Photo: Depositphotos

Retailers and participants in the alcohol market has developed a scheme for remote sale of alcohol, found “Kommersant”. In it, the authors tried to consider all the requirements needed for the legalization of Internet trade in alcohol

that Russian retailers together with the participants of the alcohol market has developed the scheme of sale of alcohol through online stores, writes in Thursday newspaper “Kommersant” with reference to sources in the industry.

According to the newspaper, in the development of the scheme was attended by representatives of the “Platypus”, X5 Retail Group, Auchan, Metro Cash &Carry and other retailers, as well as representatives of the retail companies Association (ACORT), the Committee of alcohol producers and the Union of winemakers of Russia.

According to the scheme, which has reviewed the issue, the warehouse of the online store that is going to sell liquor, shall be equipped with the universal transport module of the automated information and to register to Rosalkogolregulirovanie (PAP).

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the Courier carrying out the delivery of alcohol must be established. All of them are invited to provide the terminal with 2D scanner and a function of communicating with a device USAIS online and mobile cash register with the ability to print the QR code, obtained from USAIS.

in addition, the courier must ensure that the customer is over 18 and he can pay by credit card. After that, the courier scans the barcode of excise stamps, the terminal sends a request for authorization of payment in the system yegais verified by excise stamp, date and time of sale. At the end of the route the courier checks the bar code information of an excise stamp in the selection of stock to customer and the sale.

In the description of the scheme States that “in case of discrepancies, an inspection is carried out to determine the causes of to exclude possibilities of forgery.”

the online sale of alcohol is prohibited in Russia since 2007. In the case of the legalization of participants in the alcohol of the online market will have to comply with all the requirements for traditional retail — not to trade at night not to sell alcohol to customers under 18 years of age, to provide information about movement of products in yegais, etc.


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